TMA4300 Computer Intensive Statistical Methods


  • 28.05.2015: The grading of the exam is finished. Including the results of the compulsary exercises, the distribution of the grades became: A - 22.6%, B - 38.7%, C - 19.4%, D - 12.9%, E - 0% and F: 6.4%. The problem set for the exam and a corresponding sketch of solution are available here.
  • You are also allowed to bring a dictionary in any language to the exam.
  • 07.05.2015: Exercise 3 is graded. You can go to Xin's office (room 1026, Sentralbygg II) to get your evaluation (if you want to get sure, send an email before you come).
  • 23.04.2015: Exercise 2 is graded. You can go to Xin's office (room 1026, Sentralbygg II) to get your evaluation (if you want to get sure, send an email before you come). Note that it is better to get back your assessed report before you hand in Exercise 3 next week.
** THREE NEW IMPORTANT MESSAGES!!!!** (13.04.2015)
  1. 13.04.2015: There will be no lecture/exercise on the 20th of April.
  2. 13.04.2015 All students who take this subject as a specialisation course/ fordypningsemne and therefore need an oral exam please send an email to Andrea andrea [dot] riebler [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no until this Friday (17.04) the latest, so that an exam schedule can be made.
  3. 13.04.2015 The last reference group meeting will be this Friday (17.04) before the oral presenations. To improve the course, please send all your feedback and comments to the members of the reference group.
  • 23.03.2015: Exercise 1 is graded. You can go to Xin (room 1026, Sentralbygg II) to get your evaluation. (Xin should be here all days this week after 10am, if you want to get sure send an email before you come). Please find here some general comments which you should address in the upcoming exercises as well.
  • 20.03.2015: A summary of the second reference group meeting can be found here. The lecture coming Monday starts 8:45 and there will be some comments regarding the INLA part of exercise 2.
  • 20.03.2015: The permitted aids for the exam are listed here.
  • 18.03.2015: Please do not forget that there is lecture tomorrow.
  • 27.02.2015: If you do not have your candidate numbers yet, just submit the solution to exercise 1 with your names and student numbers.
  • 25.02.2015: IMPORTANT: Coming Monday (2nd of March) the lecture starts at 08:15 (not as usual at 8:45), so that there is a bit time to present you exercise 2.
  • 09.02.2015: Tomorrow the lectures for the second part start (08:45). Please find the slides here.
  • 03.02.2015: A summary of the first reference group meeting can be found here.
  • 30.01. 2015: The first reference group meeting will be on Tuesday, 3rd of February, at 16:00. Please send all your comments regarding lecture, exercises, … either to me or the members of the reference group.
  • 22.01.2015: The first exercise sheet is out. All information including some guidelines on how to write the report and prepare the oral presentation can be found here. The plan of the groups and oral presentations is on the last page of the pdf presenting Exercise 1.
  • 19.01.2015: Important: Today is the deadline for registration for the exercise groups. Thus, if not done already please send an email to Xin ( for registrating your group of two persons. If you do not have a partner also contact Xin.
  • 14.01.2015: Reminder: Please register your exercise group of two persons as soon as possible (Deadline: 19.01!) by sending an email to Xin ( If you do not have a partner also contact Xin.
  • 08.01.2015:
    • Please see here for a provisional time plan for the semester. Here, you will also see when the oral presenations are planned, namely 13.02, 20.02, (possibly 27.02), 20.03, 27.03, 17.04. Each group will have around 10-15 minutes to present a selected part of the exercises to the others and discuss it. The groups will be assigned randomly to the exercises they have to present. If there is any date at which you are absolutely not able to present please send an email to Xin (
    • You will get the first exercise around the 22.01. In order to know all the groups doing the exercise and make the schedule for the oral presentations please register your group of two persons as soon as possible, but the latest until 19.January (not 22!) by sending an email to Xin ( If you need help to find a team partner please send also an email to Xin as soon as possible. Thus, you will hopefully get notice of the groups and time plan around 22.01.

(Note: If you did the exercises already in a previous semester, you are already admitted to the exam. However, to get credit of the points achieved in the exercises to the final mark you need to redo the exercises this semester. If you have questions please contact me).

  • 05.01.2015:
    • The exercises MUST be done in groups of two persons. Register your group until 22 January but preferably as soon as possible by sending an email to Xin ( If you need help to find a team partner please send also an email to Xin as soon as possible.
    • The exercise sessions will take place in the computer lab nullrommet 380A. All persons who have due to their study programme not yet access to the nullrommet 380A, please send me ( an email with your name, studentnumber, NTNU username/email and study programme.
  • 20.12.2014: Welcome to the home page of TMA300 Computer Intensive Statistical Methods for the spring semester 2015. The first lecture will be on Monday January 5th at 8:45-10:00 in room EL4. (Caution: We start 8:45 not 8:15!) The lectures in this course will be in English.


Andrea Riebler, room 1242, Sentralbygg II, andrea [dot] riebler [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no
NB!! Please use TMA4300 in the subject header of all emails concerning the course!


Xin Luo, room 1026, Sentralbygg II, xinlu [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no
NB!! Please use TMA300 in the subject header of all emails concerning the course!

2015-05-28, Andrea Riebler