
Exercise Text Files Deadline
1 Exercise 1 Feb 18
2 Exercise 2 coalmine.txt March 22
3 Exercise 3 prob3data.R, prob3help.R May 6
  • The exercises can be done using the statistical package R. If you are not familiar with R this link will help An Introduction to R.
  • The exercises can be done alone or in groups of two.
  • When handing in the exercises they should be identified with your name(s), not your student number(s). The solution to the exercises can be in Norwegian or English.
  • Each exercise counts 10% of the grade in the course (that is 30% in total for all three exercises). In evaluation of the exercises the following aspects will be considered: correctness, clearity of presentation, discussion of results. Hand written material is ok (as long as it can be read without problems).
2020-03-09, Sara Martino