The solutions to Exercise 3 have been graded. You can get the graded version of your exercise by visiting the teaching assistant in his office.
The solutions to Exercise 2 have been graded. You can get the graded version of your exercise by visiting the teaching assistant in his office.
Last two classes Friday 13th April and Tuesday 17th. Then Exercise 3.
Exercise 3 is out with deadline 30 april.
The solutions to Exercise 1 have been graded. You can get the graded version of your exercise by visiting the teaching assistant in his office.
Reference group meeting in class 21 Feb: Main issues are i) Book is hard to read and maybe at too high level. ii) Exercises require a lot of work (too much, can be cut some next year). iii) Classes are built up adequately, but could show more real-life examples. iv) Teaching assistence has worked out very successfully.
During exercises the teaching assistent will be available to answer any questions you may have. Send emails
geir [dash] arne [dot] fuglstad [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no or come by his office (1238). Don't hesitate. You may also ask him to meet you in the computer room, or bring your laptop to his office. We have not booked a particular room or time for these exercises.
Lectures Tuesday 24 Jan, no teaching Friday 27th Jan (work on exercise 1), lecture 31 Jan. Exercise work 3 feb, 7 feb and 10 feb.
Some R code for simple sampling is put on the lecture plan.
The schedule is set to Tuesdays 10.15-12:00 and Fridays 10:15-12:00 in room 822, 8th floor Central building II. Starting from Friday 13 January.
The first lecture is Tuesday January 10, 10:15-12:00 in R5 (Realfagbygget, Gløshaugen)