TMA4300 - Computer Intensive Statistical Methods - Spring 2011
- 2011-05-20: Information about permitted aids during the written exam has been added.
- 2011-05-20: The Curriculum page has been updated; the Tibshirani book references have been updated to those covering the EM algorithm for mixture models and clustering, and the references to the tree methods not covered in the lectures have been removed.
- 2011-04-09: There are no more lectures, only exercise work and the written exam (2011-06-10)
- 2011-04-09: The third exercise is now available on the Exercises page
- 2011-02-23: The second exercise is now available on the Exercises page
- 2011-01-26: The first exercise is now complete (part D), available on the Exercises page
- 2011-01-21: The schedule for weeks 10–12 has been updated
- 2011-01-17: The first exercise is now available on the Exercises page
- 2011-01-17: The two Cleve's Corner text about random numbers in Matlab are now available on the Curriculum page
- The first lecture is Thursday January 13, 14:15-15:00 in H1 (Hovedbygningen, Gløshaugen, romnr 116)