TMA4275 Lifetime analysis, spring 2023

  • Lecturer: Håkon Tjelmeland
  • Teaching assistant: Emma Sofie Skarstein
  • Times and places for lectures and exercises: See Lecture and exercise plan.

Messages (the last messages on top)

02.06.2023: Todays exam problems and corresponding solution sketch is now available from the "Old Exams" page. A grading document will become available when the grading of the solutions is finished.

23.05.2023: Feedback to and grading of your solutions for Project 3 is now send to you by email. The front page that are going to be used for your Exam you can now find here. Please note that in this front page the permitted examination support material in the Exam is specified.

11.04.2023: Dear students! The Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE) is sending out a questionnaire-based student evaluation for courses taught at IE. Please help us to improve our teaching by answering this survey in the course TMA4275 Lifetime Analysis The survey closes on May 5. (You answer anonymously, but need to log in with Feide for safety reasons.)

27.03.2023: The text for obligatory project 3 is now available from the project page. Note that the deadline for handing in your solution is Tuesday April 18th at 9pm, and that this project should be done alone!

15.03.2023: Feedback to your solutions for Project 2 is now send to you by email. The email address registered for you in Blackboard/TMA4275 has been used. For those of you that have been in a group, the feedback has only been send to the person that handed in your solution in Blackboard.

20.02.2023: The text for obligatory project 2 is now available from the project page. Note that the deadline for handing in your solution is Tuesday March 7th at 9pm.

15.02.2023: Feedback to your solutions for Project 1 is now send to you by email. The email address registered for you in Blackboard/TMA4275 has been used. For those of you that have been in a group, the feedback has only been send to the person that handed in your solution in Blackboard.

01.02.2023: A couple of typos in the text for Problem 2c of Project 1 is corrected. So if you have printed out the project text, please print a new copy.

31.01.2023: A couple of typos in the text for Problem 2 of Project 1 is corrected. So if you have printed out the project text, please print a new copy.

27.01.2023: The videos used in the course is now moved into Panopto. Hopefully this will work well for you all. Please send an email to the lecturer if you experience any problems related to this.

23.01.2023: The text for obligatory project 1 is now available from the project page. Note that the deadline for handing in your solution is Tuesday February 7th at 9pm.

02.01.2023: Welcome to this home page for TMA4275 Lifetime analysis. We meet for an information meeting about the course on Tuesday January 10th at 10.15 in room R93. If you want you can already now begin to study the digital lectures for the first week, see

2023-06-02, Håkon Tjelmeland