TMA4275 Lifetime analysis, spring 2022
There will be three obligatory projects in the course. Project reports should be handed in and will be commented. The third project report will be graded and the grade of this project will count 20% on final grade of the course. The two first projects can be done individually or in groups of two or three persons. The third project should be done individually. If you do a project in a group, only one of the groups members should hand in your solution. The project reports should specify your name(s), NOT your student number(s) or your candidate number(s).
Project 1:
- Text: project1.pdf
- Deadline: Friday February 11th at 18.00.
- Use Blackboard to hand in your solution. Click on "course information" to find where to hand in your solution.
Project 2:
- Text: project2.pdf
- Deadline: Friday March 18th at 18.00.
- Use Blackboard to hand in your solution. Click on "course information" to find where to hand in your solution.
Project 3:
- Text: project3.pdf
- Deadline: Tuesday April 27th at 18.00.
- Use Blackboard to hand in your solution. Click on "course information" to find where to hand in your solution.