Lecture plan and progress

R&H refers to relevant sections in Rausand & Høyland: System Reliability Theory: Models, Statistical Methods, and Applications, 2nd Edition. Wiley 2004.

Date R&H Topic Slides Notes/Supplementary reading
07.01 2.3-2.5, 2.6, 2.9-2.14 Introduction and motivation. General concepts for lifetime modeling. Parametric families of lifetime distributions. Slides 1, Slides 2, Slides 3
10.01 No ordinary lecture. Installation and information of MINITAB 10:15-11:00 in MA24
14.01 2.6, 2.9-2.14, 2.17 Parametric families of lifetime distributions (cont.). Gumbel distribution. Slides 3, Slides 4 Extreme value distribution, More on log-location-scale families
17.01 11.1-11.3.3, 11.3.5 Log-location-scale families (cont.). Censoring; empirical survival function; Kaplan-Meier estimator. Slides 4, Slides 5
22.01 11.3.6 Kaplan-Meier estimator (cont.). Nelson-Aalen estimator. Slides 5, Slides 6
24.01 11.3.7 Properties of the exponential distribution. Derivation of the Nelson-Aalen estimator, TTT-plot Slides 6 About the Exponential Distribution, Poisson Process, Total Time on Test and Barlow-Proschan's Test.
29.01 11.3.7 More on TTT-plot. Barlow-Proschans test. The logrank test. Slides 6 (start p. 27) Note on the logrank test, Algorithm for TTT and BP
31.01 11.4.3, 11.4.4 Introduction to parametric methods. Parametric inference for the exponential model. Slides 7 (replaced 31.01), Slides 8 The standard confidence interval for positive parameters. Some likelihood theory.
05.02 11.4.5 Lecture from 15:15-16 only. Extra: In Exam 2007, Problem 4 (b), do the logrank test. Do (a) if you have time. In lecture: Confidence intervals for the exponential distribution. Slides 8
07.02 11.4.5 Parametric inference for the Weibull model. Slides 9
12.02 NO LECTURE (work on Obligatory I)
14.02 Inference in log-location-scale models. Threshold models (3-parameter Weibull). Slides 10
19.02 Parametric survival regression. Slides 11 Book chapter on survival regression,
21.02 Parametric survival regression (cont.), Proportional hazards and Cox-regression Slides 12, p. 1-31 Modelling of covariates and factors, Case study in Cox regression: Medical data
26.02 12 Model checking in Cox-regression. Case studies of Cox-regression. Accelerated life testing. Slides 12, p. 32-48, Slides 13. Case study in Cox regression: Reliability - paper, Case study in Cox regression: Reliability - slides, Download INSULATE.MTW.
28.02 7.3.1, 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3 Recurrent events and repairable systems. The nonhomogeneous Poisson process (NHPP) Slides 14, p. 1-23
05.03 7.3.1, 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3 Recurrent events and repairable systems. Nonparametric estimation of cumulative ROCOF. Slides 14, p. 24-41
07.03 7.4.4 Parametric estimation in NHPPs. Slides 15
12.03 7.4.5 Trend testing in NHPPs. Slides 16, p. 1-22
14.03 7.4.4, 7.4.5, 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.3.3 Trend testing in NHPPs (cont.). TTT-plots for repairable systems. Renewal processes. Slides 16, p. 23-31
19.03 NO LECTURE (Obligatory II)
21.03 NO LECTURE (Obligatory II)
26.03 Unobserved heterogeneity in NHPPs Slides 17, Article on unobserved heterogeneity.
28.03 Case study and exercise on unobserved heterogeneity in NHPPs Seminar slides on wind turbine reliability, Exercise on heterogeneity in HPP,
02.04, 04.04 Go through and discuss topics from exam exercises (in this order, as far as we get):

2016, 1: Kaplan-Meier + cure model (02.04)
2016, 3: log-logistic distribution (02.04)
2009, 2: Nelson-Aalen for repairable system (02.04)
2009, 3: Parametric estimation in NHPP (04.04)
2010, 2: A new cdf F(t) (04.04)
2012, 1: Parametric estimation with censored data (04.04)
2012, 2: Kaplan-Meier, logrank, Cox (04.04)
09.04, 11.04 2014, 1: Weibull regression
2008, 2: Hazard rate, renewal process, NHPP
2015, 1: Nelson-Aalen, Total Time on Test
2005, 1: Cox-regression
2014, 3: Construction of an F(t)
2013, 1: Weibull-regression
2019-04-05, Bo Henry Lindqvist