Lecture plan and progress

Date R&H Topic Slides Notes
14.01 2.3-2.5 Introduction. General concepts for lifetime distributions, failure/hazard rate. Slides 1
17.01 2.6, 2.9-2.14 MTTF, Exponential, Weibull, lognormal distributions. Slides 1
21.01 Gumbel distribution. Log-location-scale families. Slides 1 Extreme value distribution, log-location-scale distribution, New January 21: More on log-location-scale
24.01 No lecture
28.01 11.1-11.3.3 Censoring. Nonparametric estimation of reliability/survival function Slides 2For a detailed definition and discussion of independent censoring you may read Chapter 1.3 in Kalbfleisch and Prentice ("The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data", Wiley 2002). Disregard the ‘x’ occurring there.
31.01 11.3.5 The Kaplan-Meier estimator. Slides 2
04.02 11.3.6, 2.7The Nelson-Aalen estimator. Mean residual life Slides 2
07.02 11.3.7 The exponential distribution. The Nelson-Aalen estimator. TTT-plot. Slides 2 About the Exponential Distribution, Poisson Process, Total Time on Test and Barlow-Proschan's Test.
11.02 2.10, 11.3.7, 11.5.1 The Poisson process. TTT-plot and Barlow-Proschan’s test for exponential distribution. Slides 2
14.02 TTT-plot and Barlow-Proschan's test with censored observations.The log-rank test. Slides 2 The log-rank test
18.02 (11.4) Parametric inference in lifetime models. Censoring: Left, interval, right. Construction of likelihood. Estimation for exponential distribution. Slides 3 Download notes: Download copies from books: On likelihood construction, On parametric inference in lifetime models.
21.02 More on exponential distribution. Confidence intervals. Slides 3 The standard confidence interval for positive parameters.
25.02 Weibull estimation. Probability plots for model checking. Slides 3 Some likelihood theory.
28.02 Statistical inference in log-location-scale models (e.g. lognormal). Slides 3
04.03 11.4.4 Threshold parameter models. Exact confidence interval for exponential distribution under Type II censoring. Slides 3
07.03 Survival regression analysis using log-location-scale models. Slides 4
11.03 Residuals and residual plots for survival regression. Slides 4 Book chapter on survival regression
14.03 No lecture
18.03 Cox regression. Slides 4
21.03 12 More on Cox-regression. Case studies. Slides 4 Extra slides on simple Cox example, Case study: Medical, Case study: Reliability
25.03 28.03 01.04 Easter vacation
04.04 7 Summing up on survival regression modeling. Accelerated life testing. Slides 4 Modelling of covariates and factors
08.04 No lecture. Start working on Obligatory II
11.04 7.1, 7.2.1, 7.3.1, 7.4.1, 7.4.2 Recurrent events and repairable systems. The nonhomogeneous Poisson process (NHPP). Slides 5
15.04 7.4.3 Nonparametric estimation in repairable systems (Nelson-Aalen estimator). Slides 5
18.04 7.4.4 Parametric estimation: Power law NHPP. Slides 5
22.04 7.4.5 Tests for trend in repairable systems. The Laplace Test and the Military Handbook Test. Slides 5
25.04 Go through exam exercises (in this order, as far as we get today and next time):
2009 Problem 2
2012 Problems 1,2,4
2010 Problem 2,3
2004 Problem 2
29.04 Continue with exam exercises - final lecture.
2013-04-24, Bo Henry Lindqvist