Tentative Lecture Plan

Week Literature R & H Topic Comment R & H
2.1-2.14, 2.17, 2.20 Probability distributions for lifetimes. Fundamental properties. Important distributions and properties. Only main results in 2.17 are covered.
11.1-11.3, 11.5 Lifetime data. Censoring. Nonparametric methods. Plotting (TTT, Kaplan-Meier, Nelson-Aalen.) The logrank test.
11.4 Parametric estimation and testing. Maximum likelihood. Information matrix. Confidence intervals. Probability plots (MINITAB).
Ch. 12 Regression methods. Covariates. Weibull regression. Cox-regression. Accellerated lifetime testing. Example 12.2 page 532 and rest of Ch. 12 are not covered.
Ch. 7 Point processes. Recurrent events. Repairable systems. Poisson processes and renewal processes. Modelling and statistical analysis of data. Likelihood-methods. The following is covered (not always in detail): 7.1 only to 7.1.3; most of 7.2, but only to 7.2.6; 7.3 to 7.3.4; but in addition 7.3.8; most of 7.4. Pooled versions of Laplace and Mil-Hdbk tests (as used by MINITAB).
2010-01-19, Sara Martino