Compulsory exercise 1

The submission deadline is Thursday, February 23 2023, 23:59h

The compulsory 1 exercise sheet

Rmd template: To hand in the exercise, please use the following Rmd template. You should hand in the Rmd and the pdf of your solutions. Please follow closely the guidelines given under "Practical issues" in the exercise sheet:


If you would like to get a more thorough introduction to Rmarkdown, here are the slides Emma presented during one of the lecture hours:

Introduction to Rmarkdown and ggplot


Support for compulsory 1 will be given during all lecture and exercise hours in the week from 12.-16.2.2024, namely:

  • Monday, February 13, 10:15-12:00 in KJL2
  • Thursday, February 16, 08:15-10:00 in EL3 and 10:15-12:00 in KJL2
2024-02-06, Stefanie Muff