Solution to the exam

What are you allowed to bring to the exam?

  • A hand-written yellow A4 sheet with IMF stamp on it. The sheet can be fetched in the 7. floor in Sentralbygg II, in front of the institute office.
  • The course book: Either you take it along physically (only the original book is allowed), or you use the pdf that I will provide in Inspera during the exam. The pdf will be searchable with ctrl + f in case you need to quickly find some keywords.

How will the exam be?

I have a few principles that you might find useful to know:

  • I will try to put more or less equal weight on all the topics (modules) in the course.
  • If you have solved all the recommended and compulsory exercises and understood the details, you should be prepared quite well.
  • I will test both your skills to do data analysis and test your theoretical understanding.
  • One task will be a bit more mathy where you have to derive something (similar to question 1 in compulsory 1). There will be the possibility to hand-write the derivation on a separate sheet. Note that latex will not be running on the computers in the exam room.
  • It is definitely very smart to also check the questions at the end of each chapter in the course book.
  • There will be a couple of single-/multiple choice questions.

Practical issues

  • Some questions may be answered by writing on a sheet that needs to be handed in. Please do bring at least a pen that works!
  • The two data-analysis questions need to be knitted using an R Markdown file. The template will be given in Inspera, but here is a very generic version of it.
  • Important: The R Markdown file will knit into an html file. Either upload the html file directly, zip it if it is large, or open it in a browser and export it as a pdf for uploading in Inspera. After uploading, please double-check that the upload worked and is not corrupted!!

The computers in the exam room

  • Keyboard: The IT confirmed that the NTNU Computers at Sluppen will have “Norwegian” as default language in their keyboard settings. But they did also confirm that the students will be able to change the default language on these computers at the exam.
  • R: I have demanded a list of R packages to be available in RStudio during the exam, namely all the packages we have used in the course. Even though I don't expect you to learn all the code details by heart, you must be able to understand and handle the basics. Code that can be looked up in the course book (which you will have access to) is of course possible to ask for. You can use the R-help as well. For more tricky coding, I'll add R-hints.

Here is a list of R packages that were installed, but by far not all of them are needed at the exam:
knitr, MASS, pls, glmnet, gam, gbm, randomForest, ggfortify, leaps, poROC, plotROC, ggplot2, tidyverse, palmerpenguins, GGally, caret, leaps, e1071, tree,m boot, factoextra, FactoMineR, class, ISLR

The home exam from 2022

2024-04-14, Stefanie Muff