TMA4265 Stochastic Processes, Autumn 2013


The date of the exam it the 16.12.2013 at 09:00 see here

Evaluation system and marking in this course
  1. The project counts for 20 % of the final mark. The final exam counts for 80 %.
  2. Note that if you do not hand in the project you will be able to get a final result of 80/100 maximum.

Permitted aid items (code C):

  • Calculator HP30S, CITIZEN SR-270X or CITIZEN SR-270X College.
  • Statistiske tabeller og formler, Tapir forlag.
  • K. Rottman: Matematisk formelsamling.
  • One yellow, stamped A5 sheet with own handwritten formulas and notes. You get this sheet from the department office of the department of Mathematical Sciences in the 7th floor in Central Building 2.

Old exam problems and solutions:

2013-11-27, Andrea Riebler