Exercise 1.
Solution Exercise 1
The data are in a Excel file and can be loaded and stored on your own PC by clicking here: data1.csv.
You may also load them directly into MINITAB by using the File name: https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/data1.csv and press OK, or read them into R by the command: cobolt=read.csv("https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/data1.csv")[,1]
Exercise 2. Solution Exercise 2
The data for problem 1 can be loaded and stored on your PC by clicking here:dataE2P1.
and for problem 2 you will find them here: dataE2P2.
You may also read them directly into MINITAB by using the File name: https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/dataE2P1.txt and press OK. To get the data for problem 2 you just change P1 to P2.
One can read them into R by the command:
tyres=read.table("https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/dataE2P1.txt", header = TRUE).
For problem 2 one can just interchange P1 with P2.
Exercise 3.
Solution Exercise 3
The data for problem 2 can be loaded and stored on your computer by clicking here: dataE3P2 or directly read into MINITAB by using the file name:
https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/dataE3P2.csv and click OK.
The data are already in R but you have to use the command library(MASS) to get access to them. See exercise.
Exercise 4. Solution Exercise 4
The data can be read into MINITAB by using the filename: https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/data4.csv and click OK.
and into R by the command: ds=read.table("https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/data4.txt", header = TRUE).
Exercise 5. Solution Exercise 5
You can read the
data the data into MINITAB by using the filename: https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/data5.txt and click OK.
and into R by the command: ds5=read.table("https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/data5.txt", header = TRUE).
Some R code for the exercise can be found here:
R code exercise 5.
Exercise 6. Solution Exercise 6
Exercise 7. The exam from 2012 can be downloaded here: Kontinuasjonseksamen i TMA4255 2012. Solution Exercise 7
Exercise 8: Exam December 5. 2008, Problem 1. The exam from December 2008 can be downloaded here: Exam TMA4255 December 2008.
Solution Exercise 8
Exercise 9. You may read the data directly into MINITAB by using the File name: https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/Bronzealloys.txt and press OK. Solution problem 2.
Exercise 10. Solution Exercise 9 and 10.
Exercise 11. Solution Exercise 11.
This exercise is for Monday April 17. In order to read the data into R you can use the commands:
data1=read.table("https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/datae10.txt", header = TRUE)
data2=read.table("https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/datad10.txt", header = TRUE)
data3=read.table("https://www.math.ntnu.no/emner/TMA4255/2023v/files/datap10.txt", header = TRUE)
for problem 1, 2 and 3 respectively.