TMA4255 Applied Statistics, spring 2016

Tuesday 13.15-15 S2 and Thursday 12.15-14 in S1 (from January 12).

Detailed plan with handouts

NBNB: the reading list is based on the WMMY book. The slides are used in the lectures and can not replace READING the literature on the reading list.

Date Part Chapter Topic Handouts Data Additional activity/notes
1 12.01.2016 1 Introduction Introduction - course and topics, use of software L1.pdf
2 14.01.2016 1 1-7, 8.8, 8.3-8.6, 9.1-9.4 Normal plot, sampling distribution, chi-distribution, estimation L2.pdf Presenting data, Population and sample
3 19.01.2016 1 8.6, 10.1-10.4 T-distribution, Hypothesis testing, one sample inferenceL3.pdf LDLds.MTW LDLds.txt
4 21.01.2016 1 8.7,9.8,9.9, 9.13,10.5, 10.10 Two sample inference, F-distributionL4.pdf fusiontime.MTW (MINITAB) and fusiontime.txt (R) FusionTimeData Comparing means
5 26.01.16 2 11.1-11.4 (11.5)Simple linear regression L5.pdfstiffdens.MTW (MINITAB) and stiffdens.txt (R) Linear regression
6 28.01.16 2 11.5-11.8 Simple linear regression: inference, predictionL6.pdf aswan.MTW (MINITAB) and aswan.txt (R)
7 02.02.2016 2 11.6, 12.1-12.5 (partly) The multiple linear regression model - including matrix notation, least squares estimators L7.pdf swiss.MTW (MINITAB) and available in R as swiss R script
8 04.02.16 2 12.4-12.6, 12.10 MLR ANOVA, prediction, residuals L8.pdfwrongmodelMLR.r (R script to simulate data for the wrong model example)
9 09.02.16 2 12.6-7, 12.11 Model selection, subsets and orthogonality L9.pdf acidrain.MTW (MINITAB), acidrain.txt (R), acid.r (R script to analyse acid rain data)
10 11.02.16 2-3 DOE note p1-7, 12.7 2*2 experimentsL10.pdf Notat: Factorial experiments at two levels
11 16.02.16 3 Note p 1-7 Orthonality, Effects, 2in3 L11.pdf R script for pilot example DOE in MINITAB
12 18.02.16 3 p7-13 2ink, Variance, inference, replications L12.pdf limabeans.MTW R script lima beans
13 23.02.16 3 Variance, workflow, blocking L13.pdf
14 25.02.16 3 BHH 12.2-12.4 Fractional factorial designs L14.pdf
15 01.03.16 4 13.1-13.3 One way ANOVA L15.pdfaggregates.MTW R script for aggregatesProof thm 13.2(pdf) ANOVA (pdf)
16 03.03.16 4 13.3, 13.4, 13.6 One way ANOVA: (unequal sample sizes),homogeneity of variances and multiple tests L16.pdf
17 08.03.16 4 13.6, 13.8 One way ANOVA: multiple tests, block design L17.pdfR script Tukey example
18 10.03.16 4 13.8, 14.1-14.3 block designs, Two-way ANOVA L18.pdf R script machine example, eysenck.txt, eysenck.MTW
19 31.03.16 5 17.1-17.4 Statistical process control L19.pdfmetalltjukkleik.MTW, metalltjukkleik.txt
2005.04.16 5 Cancelled
20 07.05.16 6 10.11-10.12 Goodness of fit, independence L20.pdf Test of association
21 1.04.16 6 10.12-10.13 Chisquare tests, Simpsons paradoxL21.pdf eyehaircolor.MTW bloodtype.MTW Part6Ex.r
22 14.04.16 7 4.3, 16.1Taylor approximation to E and Var, Sign-test L22.pdf
23 19.04.16 7 16.2-16.3Nonparametrics: Wilcoxon signed-rank and rank-sum L23.pdf
24 21.04.16 REP Parts 1, 5, 6, 7 One and two population inference L24.pdf
25 26.04.15 REP Parts 2, 3, 4 Model mean response as a linear function of covariates L25.pdf

Tentative lecture plan

Weeek Chapter Topic
2-3 8-10 Introduction. One and two sample inference based on normal data 1+2
4-6 11-12 Linear regression 3+4+5
6-8 Design of experiments 6+7
9-10 13-14 Analysis of variance (Work with project) 8
11 No lectures, only supervision of project and exercises- since many students are away on excursions.
12 Easter break
13-14 17 Statistical process control (no lecture 29/3). Hand in project at the end of the week. 9
14-15 10 Statistical analysis of contingency tables 9
15-16 16,4 Nonparametric statistics10
16-17 Summing up and concluding remarks, exam preparation. Last day of lecture may be Tuesday April 26.
2016-04-26, Anna Holand