TMA4255 Applied Statistics, Spring 2012

RSS-feed for the TMA4255 www-pages is available by clicking on the orange icon (choose “current namespace”) located at the far right of the address field in your browser. (I appologize for any incremental changes reported…)

When, where and who

Reference group:
Lectures: Thursday 12.15-14.00 in R10*
Friday 14.15-16.00 in F2
Lecturer: Mette Langaas
Room 1236, 12.etg, Sentralbygg 2
office hours: after the lecture on Thursday - and anytime on email request

*=except for week 5 (02.02.2012), then we are in F3

Exercises: Tuesday 12.15-13.00 in F4 or Vegas computer lab (see exercise tab)
Teaching assistant:PhD student Javad Rezaie
Javad [dot] Rezaie [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no

Javad will be here from February 1.

*All registered students have access to Vegas, but if you are a PhD student you may not have access. If you do not have access (please check first), mail the lecturer with your student card number (back of card, lower left corner)

2025-01-15, Hallvard Norheim Bø