Lecture plan

The course consists of three parts. Each part consists of Lectures and a Problem set.

Schedule (can be changed):

Week Mondays 1015-1200 Thursdays 1015-1200 Tusedays 1015-1200
2 Lecture - Introduction Lecture - Continuous RF
3 Lecture - Continuous RF Lecture - Continuous RF
4 Lecture - Continuous RF Lecture - Continuous RF
5 Lecture - Continuous RF Lecture - Continuous RF
6 Project - Continuous RF Project - Continuous RF
7 Project - Continuous RF Project - Continuous RF
8 Lecture - Event RF Lecture - Event RF
9 Lecture - Event RF Lecture - Event RF
10 Project - Event RF Project - Event RF
11 Project - Event RF Project - Event RF
12 Lecture - Mosaic RF Lecture - Mosaic RF
13 Holiday Holiday
14 Holiday Lecture - Mosaic RF
15 Project - Mosaic RF Project - Mosaic RF
16 Project - Mosaic RF Project - Mosaic RF
17 Project - Mosaic RF
2020-12-13, Karl Henning Omre