TMA4250 Spatial Statistics - Spring 2020
- Lecturer: Henning Omre
- Teaching assistant: Ole Bernhard Forberg
- Times and places for lectures and exercises: See Lecture plan.
Reference group
- Julie Røste - IndMat -
- Erik Olsvik Dengerud - IndMat -
* 12.03.2020: Corona-message: Lectures cancelled -
Course-students - please - send email-address to Ole Bernhard F -
* 24.02.2020: Advertizements of Integrated MSc/Phd-stipends in Statistics - see 182977 & 183051
* 31.01-2020: Problem support - Ole Bernhard F office- lecture hours - 04./07./11.02 and Thur 13.02. kl 12-14
* 21.01.2020: Problem Set 1 - Introduction to R/GeoR - Examples of Reports - Friday 31.01 kl 1315 Room S23
* 01.01.2020: Happy New Year 2020 - and best wishes for TMA4250 Spatial Statistics\ First Lecture is Tuesday 07.01 kl 1015-1200 Room S23