TMA4250 Spatial Statistics spring 2017
- Lecturer: Ingelin Steinsland
- Teaching assistant: Thea Roksvåg
- Times and places for lectures and exercises: See Lecture plan.
Reference group
- Himashu Srivastav himanshs [at] stud [dot] ntnu [dot] no
- Scott Macody Lund scottml [at] stud [dot] ntnu [dot] no
- 17.03: Summary lecture is moved to Friday, May 5 (10.15-12, room 656). (Tell if you want to come, but can't)
- 07.03: No lecture today (but on Thursday and Friday), but reference group meeting.
- 08.02: Lecture plan is updated! New rooms and new days.
- 06.02: Lecture tomorrow in room R91
- 20.01: Lecture today in room 656 (6th floor, Central Building 2)
- 05.01: The first lecture is Tuesday January 10th at 10.15 in room R91. Welcome!