[4/12] Corrections have been made to the first page of the online notes in Topic 6. The solution to the model problem needs to be C^1 in time.
[27/11] Exercise 3, Task 4 had a mistake in the final passage that has been corrected. See the new version at
[22/11] Solutions to Exercise 4 have been published at
[20/11] The exercise class tomorrow has been cancelled.
[7/11] The fourth exercise sheet is now available under the section
[31/10] Project 2, missing terms in Task 3.3 has been corrected, see updated pdf file.
[29/10] There will be an exam preparation class on 12/11 during the scheduled lecture time.
[29/10] There will be extra exercise classes to work on the project during lecture time on 5/11 and 13/11.
[29/10] There will be no more lectures.
[23/10] Project 2, small error in Task 3.3 has been corrected, see squares on norm definition.
[16/10] Solutions to Exercise 3 have been published at
[9/10] The third exercise sheet is now available under the section
[3/10] In problem 2, section "Building the load vector", task 1 of the project, you are not required to use the function loadVector1D, it was a typo. I updated the project accordingly.
[2/10] Multiple indexing errors in the project have now been corrected. I invite you to take a look, especially the parts regarding the re-labeling function \(l(i,j)\). An abuse of notation for \(n\) as both number of nodes and the normal to the 2D case has been updated, too.
[19/09] Solutions to Exercise 2 have been published at
[17/09] There will be no lecture on 25 September.
[14/09] The groups have been formed and you will receive a confirmation by e-mail about it.
[10/09] The second exercise sheet is now available under the section
[5/09] Solutions to Exercise Sheet 1 are now available.
[28/08] Indexing errors on Exercise 2 of Exercise Sheet 1 has been corrected and should be ok now, see the updated version.
[23/08] The first exercise sheet is now available under the section
[-1] The first lecture will take place as scheduled on 20th August.
[-1] There will be no exercise class on 22nd August.
[-1] James will be away before the start of the semester, so any enquires made about the course via email between 8-18th August will be responded to on 19th August.