11.12: Uploaded information about permitted material on the exam as well as sent out e-mail suggesting a Spørretime 14th of December at 14:15-15:00 on Blackboard.
07.12: Uploaded a proposal of the solutions for Exercise sheet 3.
20.11: Uploaded the third exercise sheet.
25.10: I (TK) will lecture in the Exercise hours on Wednesday 26th of October 2022 at 15:15-17:00 in B22 (Bergbygget).
25.10: Lecture notes on Adaptive FEM is uploaded on Blackboard.
14.10: Published the second project (deadline 20th of November)
05.10: The announced lecture today is cancelled (see e-mail) - The Lecture plan is updated.
02.10: I (TK) will lecture in the Exercise hours on Wednesday 5th of October 2022 at 15:15-17:00 in B22 (Bergbygget).
02.10: The Lecture plan is updated.
21.09: Added a comment on the description of Project 1, about 2d Gaussian quadrature.
20.09: Uploaded a proposal of the solutions for Exercise sheet 1.
16.09: Uploaded the first project (deadline 2nd of October).
11.09: Uploaded a proposal of the solutions for Exercise sheet 1.
08.09: Uploaded the second exercise sheet.
31.08: Uploaded the first exercise sheet.
30.08: I will use the Exercise hours tomorrow to lecture, i.e. Wednesday 31st of August 2022 at 15:15-17:00 in B22 (Bergbygget).
22.08: The lecture on Wednesday 23rd of August (10:15-12:00) will be given in Auditorium R92 in Realfagsbygget.
22.08: The first lecture on Monday 22nd of August (10:15-12:00) will be given in Auditorium VA2 Varmeteknisk.