24.08: The first lecture on Tuesday 24th of August (08:15-10:00) will be given in Auditorium B3 Oppredningen/Gruvedrift
26.08: The lecture on Thursday 26th of August (12:15-14:00) will be virtual on Blackboard Collaborate
26.08: The lecture on Tuesday 31st of August (08:15-10:00) will be virtual on Blackboard Collaborate
02.09: The lecture on Thursday 2nd of September (12:15-14:00) will be virtual on Blackboard Collaborate
07.09: The lecture on Tuesday 7th of September (08:15-10:00) will be given in Auditorium B3 Oppredningen/Gruvedrift
14.09: The first exercise set has been posted. The solutions will be shared at the beginning of the next week.
18.09: Added a proposal for the solutions to the first exercise set.
19.09: No lecture on Tuesday 21st of September 2021.
21.09: The second exercise set has been posted. The solutions will be shared at the beginning of the next week.
25.09: Added a proposal for the solutions to the second exercise set.
28.09: Changed the lecture plan: Lecturing on Mondays 14:15-16:00 at Central building 2, Room 656 (SIMAstuen)
13.11: The third (and last) exercise set has been posted. The solutions will be shared in 10 days.
16.11: Edit in the project, point 2.2 I wrote the integral over the boundary of the whole Omega, instead of just the Neumann boundary as it should.
22.11: Added a proposal for the solutions to the third exercise set.
20.01: Added a proposal for the solutions of the exam.