TMA4220 Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations Using Element Methods - Autumn 2015
As preparation for the exam, it's a good idea to solve the old exam questions listed here, as well as the previous year's exercises.
Time: 4. December, 09:00–13:00.
Grading: The project counts 35% and the exam 65% toward the final grade.
Old messages (click to expand)
Old messages (click to expand)
23.10 | The exercise session on Wednesday 28. October has been moved to Thursday 29. October, 12:15-14:00 in room 656 (so there will be no lecture on Thursday). |
22.10 | Several typos in project 2C: In the definition of \(\bar{\sigma}\), in the definition of \(\varepsilon_{xy}=\varepsilon_{yx}\), and the letter \(v\) has been changed in point 1 and 2 to avoid confusion with \(\nu\). The corrected file can be found under "Exercises/projects". |
05.10 | Project 2 is now online. The deadline and the presentations will be in the last or second-last week of the semester (11-12 or 18-19 November). |
02.10 | The file writeVTF has now been added to . |
01.10 | The deadline for Project 1 is on Friday 9. October. |
25.09 | I have added a section about approximation by smooth functions to the page on Sobolev spaces. |
24.09 | Filippo has fixed the weights in the Gauss quadrature in Project 1 (they now sum up to 1, 1/2 and 1/6 in 1D, 2D and 3D, as they should). A new PDF file has been uploaded. |
20.09 | I have written a short collection of definitions and facts about Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces; see the left-hand menu. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes or if you have suggestions for additional material. |
15.09 | I've made a small change to the boundary conditions in exercise 2c)-d) in Exercise Set 2. (You might need to press F5 in your browser to get the updated PDF file.) |
14.09 | Exercise set 2 has now been uploaded. A solution will be given in about 2 weeks. |
08.09 | Part 1 of the project has now been uploaded. The deadline will be around 7 October (to be fixed!). Solutions to Exercise Set 1 have also been uploaded (sorry about the delay!) |
03.09 | A small typo in the 4-point Gauss quadrature in Exercise set 1 has been fixed. |
24.08 | Thursday lectures will now be held in room 656 in Sentralbygg II. I remind you that there are no lectures on 26-27 August. |
21.08 | The first exercise set can be found under Exercises. A (partial) solution will be given in about 2 weeks. |
05.08 | The first lecture will be on 19 August, 08:15-10:00. I will be away 26-27 August so there will be no lecture that week. Instead, I will lecture in the exercise session on 19 August, 16:15-18:00. There will be a set of exercises to enjoy while I'm away. |
Wednesdays, 08:15-10:00 in
KJL3 (19. August - 18. November)
Exercises: Wednesdays, 16:15-18:00 in
Course material