04.12: The results for the project work is finally ready, and you can find it
Good luck tomorrow!!!
20.11: There will be a lecture on Thursday 22. I will go through some old exam questions. If there are things from the curriculum you will like to discuss, or have repeated, send me an email about it.
14.11: I suddenly noticed that the date for the exam on the subpage "General Information" was not updated since last year. Since no one reacted, I assume you have got the correct date anyawy, but just to make sure: The exam is
December 5, 2012, kl. 15-19 , see
13.11: We will need both Tuesday (12-14) and Wednesday (14-16) next week for project presentations. Kjetil will set up a schedule on Monday.
13:11: There will be no lecture on Thursday, Kjetil will be availbale at Nullrommet for the last tutorials.
13:11: Only to those of you who want to take the course as an "emnemodul": You should have got an email from me today. If you have not, please tell me as soon as possible.
01.11: There will be no lectures next week. But Kjetil will be available at Nullrommet at the lecture hours for questions concerning the project.
24:10: Those of you who want to take the course as an "emnemodul", please send me an email about it, and use "TMA4220 emnemodul" in the subject heading. We can agree on the date for the exam, so tell me which days are impossible for you.
23.10: The lecture hours tomorrow (Wednesday 24th) will be moved to 13:00 - 15:00
19.10: Part 2 of the programming project may be downloaded
16.10: Notes on stress, strain and linear elasticity can be found on the course it's learning page.
15.10: On Tuesday 16.10, Kjetil will give a lecture on structural mechanics. This is relevant for the project work.
Exercise 4 is now finally available. I have also made some old exam sets available.
25.09: The programming project will start on Wednesday September 26 14:15-15:00. The introduction will be held in F3 and all subsequent helping hours will be held in Nullrommet (Wednesdays 14:15-16:00)
29.08: You will find a complete schedule for the course under "Lectures". Note that there will be no organized tutorial sessions before September 26, when the first part of the project description will be handed out. But I encourage you to come and see me (1348, SBII) if you have questions regarding the course and the exercises.
20:08: This week's Thursday lecture will be moved to Wednesday 14:15-16:00 in F3.
13.08: Welcome to this course on the numerical solution of differential equations by the finite element method. The first lecture will be Tuesday August 21. More information about the schedule, textbook, etc. can be found under "General Information" in the menu to the left.