Autumn 2022

TMA4215 Numerical Mathematics

Blackboard course room (Exercise & Project Jupiter Notebooks, Learning Material) ∙  Forum (Discussions) ∙ Jupyter Hub General course description 


The exam will be on the 15th of December 2022 from 15:00 to 19:00, see here. The specified support material will be _one_ sheet of paper (A4, yellow, from IMF) for notes and a simple calculator. The final exam will count 70% to the final grade, while project 1 counts 10% and project 2 20%. The weighting is done after the letter grades are assigned, all parts have to be at least an E.


31.08. The first exercise sheet is now available on Blackboard.
29.08. The first exercise will take place, we are also on Mondays (10.15) in H1, the first will be preparations and setup
22.08. The first lecture will take place, we are Mondays (8.15) and Fridays (10.15) in H1


Teaching Assistants


This lecture will use the book T. Sauer, Numerical Analysis, Second Edition, Pearson, ISBN 978-1-292-02358-8.

Questions and Discussions

For questions and discussions you can use our IMF Digital mattelab category on TMA 4215. While we would encourage an open discussion with your account/name, you can post anonymously, if you prefer.


The exam will be on the 15th of December 2022, see here. The specified support material will be _one_ sheet of paper (A4, yellow, from IMF) for notes and a simple calculator. The final exam will count 70% to the final grade, while project 1 counts 10% and project 2 20%.

2022-11-18, Ronny Bergmann