TMA4215 Numerisk Matematikk


Date Message
Minutes of the meeting with the reference group.
03.12 The grading of the projects is done, and the results are available on It's learning. Note that for some students we are missing one or more projects. If you believe there has been a mistake, please contact us as soon as possible.
30.11 All students that are regularly enrolled for this course have passed the project work and can take the exam. More information about the individual performance in the projects will be made available on It's learning on Monday. Please read also the message below.
29.11 Project work: We did not receive part 3 for the candidates 10058 10096, please contact us very soon if this is a mistake!!!! Candidates 10015 and 10080 sent to us the code for part 3 but no report, please send your report within friday 30th if you forgot to send it before. Candidates: 10086, 10055, 10051, 724044 have sent us only part 1, if you think this is a mistake please let us know by Friday 30th. Candidate 10047 has not sent part 2, contact us by Friday 30th if you mean we should have received your part 2. Two Norwegian candidates sent us part 2 by name, we need to couple their parts 1 and 2 to part 3 of the project please contact Geir and send your candidate numbers if you want your evaluation scores reported correctly.
27.11 Please see below for the admitted aids at the exam and the link to the collected notes admitted at the exam. No other version of the notes is allowed, please download this one.
27.11 Specification of the admitted aids at the exam (code C): Textbook Endre Süli and David Mayers, An introduction to Numerical Analysis. TMA4215 lecture notes (61 pages). Rottman. Photocopies from the textbook are also allowed instead of the book itself, but they should be kept separate from the note of the course to allow control.
27.11 About part three of the project: typical mistakes and general performance.Comments here!
16.11 There will be no exercise lectures next week. The last lecture will be next week on the 20th of November, 14-16. You can get supevision on the solution of exam questions by scheduling an appointment with either Geir, Markus or Elena (or just visiting our office, if we are there and we are not busy we will help you).
16.11 Please check the general comments that you find in It's learning (for the part one) and under comments part 2. Regarding part 2, if you think, based on these comments, that you would like to improve your codes and your reports, please send us an e-mail, describe what you plan to change and improve: we will evaluate your chances of improving your mark and grant you a few days to improve your codes and reports. We need to hand in the results of the projects by the end of next week, so you should contact us about this and hand in your project with changes by Thursday 22.11.
10.11 About part two of the project: typical mistakes and general performance.Comments here!
08.11 Semester project part 3. Please note there is a wrong sign in the Forward Euler method at page 4 line 5 from the bottom: there should be a minus before alpha.
24.10 The last part of the semester project is now available under Semester project. This is still a preliminary version and there might be mistakes, please let us know if you find any.
17.10 There has been a meeting with the reference group. The report of the meeting is now posted on "It's learning". Each and every student is entitled to comment the content of the report, send your remakrs to
17.10 There will be no exercise class on Thursday 18th and Monday 22nd. Geir and Markus will be present at both exercise classes the week the last part of the project is due: Thursday 9th and Monday 12th of November.
05.10 I (Geir) have written some comments on how you answered part 1 of the project. Most of your reports are quite good, though there is still room for improvement in all reports I have read. The comments can be found on It's Learning.
02.10 There has been a few more minor changes to the semester project. The current version is v1-3. The changes are a specification of how you should cound floating point operations in 1b). Also, we have set a tentative limit to the length of your report - 8 pages.
27.09 The second part of the project has been updated (again). The current version is v1-2. In 2a) you are required to calculate the square root of <jsm>\Sigma </jsm>, not the inverse square root as it said previously.
24.09 The second part of the project has been updated. The changes are a clarification of the notation used in 2b) and a correction of a minor error in a formula in 2b).
21.09 The second part of the project has been published at the semester project page.
10.09 The second problem set has been published at the exercise page.
05.09 Due to practical difficulties, the deadline for the first part of the project is postponed to Monday September 10th, 12:00.
22.08 The first problem set is now available at the exercise page.
22.08 A new exercise/project class has been scheduled at Thursday 10:15–11:00. Also, both exercise classes are moved to Nullrommet.
19.08 First class Tuesday 21st of August at 14:15 in S4.
06.08 There is a link to this page from It's learning. All important information about the course will be made available on this webpage. Sensitive information like the individual results of the projects, and other non public information like the solution of the exam will be made available only to the participants to the course on It's leaning.

Description of the course

In the following link you can find detailed information about the course, the main topics presented and the learning outcome.



Elena Celledoni, room 1346, Sentralbygg II.

Exercise and project lecturers

Geir Bogfjellmo. E-mail: bogfjell(at) - make sure to replace (at) with @ before sending.

Markus Eslitzbichler Email: m.eslitzbichler (at)


  • Tuesdays 14:15–16, S4
  • Thursdays 08:15–10, S7

Exercise/Project class

  • Mondays 18:15–19, Nullrommet
  • Thursdays 10:15–11, Nullrommet

The exercise classes take place at Nullrommet. How to get to Nullrommet.

See also the exercise page.

Reference group

Trygve Bertelsen Wiig (MTFYMA) trygvwii (at)

Johanne Borhaug (LUR) johannbo (at)

Semester project

The semester project counts for 30 % of the final mark.

Text book and other teaching material

  • E. Süli and D. Mayers, An introduction to Numerical Analysis, Cambridge University Press (2003).
  • Exercises and solutions are part of the curriculum.


The final curriculum is the content of the lectures detailed under Schedule and the exercises, including the old exams which are pertinent to the material of the lectures.


  • 07.12.2012.
  • Hjelpemiddelkode C (Permitted aids, code C)
Vurderingsform og fastsettelse av karakter i kurset
  1. Semesteroppgaven teller 30 prosent av sluttkarakteren. Avsluttende eksamen teller 70 prosent av sluttkarakteren.
  2. Om man ikke leverer inn semesteroppgaven har man likevel adgang til eksamen. Men merk at da blir maksimalt oppnåelig resultat 70/100, dvs bokstavkarakter C.
  3. Man krediteres kun for semesteroppgave gjort i inneværende semester. Man får ingen kreditt for semesteroppgave innlevert i tidligere år kurset har gått.
  4. Totalkarakteren er den eneste offisielle karakteren i kurset. Det som legges ut av delkarakterer på disse hjemmesidene er uoffisielt, og kan vel egentlig ikke refereres til ved en eventuell klage.

Evaluation system and marking in this course

  1. The project counts for 30 % of the final mark. The final exam counts for 70 %.
  2. Note that if you do not hand in the project you will be able to get a final result of 70/100 maximum, that is at most the mark C.
  3. You get credit only for project work made during this semester.
  4. The total mark is the only official mark for the course. The marking of the project which will be published on these webpages is nonoffcial, and can not be referred to during a complaint.
2013-08-12, Elena Celledoni