TMA4205 Numerical linear algebra, autumn 2017

The course description can be found here.


27.11.2017 The results of the second project can now be found on blackboard. Please inform me as soon as possible, if you cannot find your student or candidate number on the list.
15.11.2017 I will have additional office hours on November 17 from 12-15 (in my office).
08.11.2017 You can find lecture notes concerning the numerical computation of eigenvalues on blackboard.
07.11.2017 My office hours on November 8 and 15 will take place in Nullrommet.
01.11.2017 Another mistake has been found in the project description. More details can be found in the project part, which now also contains an error section and FAQ.
26.10.2017 There was a sign mistake in the original version of the project description (in equation (5)). You can find an updated version here.
24.10.2017 The second project is now online (see here). The deadline is Sunday, November 19, 23:59.
24.10.2017 If you want some feedback for the first project, feel free to come to my office.
18.10.2017 The results of the first project are now available on blackboard. Please inform me as soon as possible, if your student number does not appear on the list.
16.10.2017 There will be no office hours on Wednesday, October 18.
13.10.2017 If you are looking for a partner for the second project (after having worked on the first project alone), please send me an e-mail as soon as possible.
12.10.2017 You can find the code I presented in the lecture today here.
28.09.2017 The summary of the first reference group meeting is now online here.
10.09.2017 The first project has been published.
05.09.2017 If you are looking for a partner for the project, please send me an e-mail as soon as possible.
25.08.2017 The first exercise set (for September 06) is now online. The exercise classes will take place at Nullrommet (room no. 380A in Sentralbygg 2).
25.08.2017 The lectures on Tuesday will always start five minutes later at 14:20; as a compensation, the break will be slightly shorter.
23.08.2017 There will be no lectures in week 35 (August 29 and August 31).
21.08.2017 Welcome to the course TMA4205 Numerical linear algebra in autumn 2017.
2017-11-27, Markus Grasmair