Information about the lecture

Official course description


The lecture is held by Markus Grasmair, room 1040 SB2;

Time and place

  • Tuesday 14:20-16:00, seminar room K28.
  • Thursday 08:15-10:00, seminar room K28.

The first lecture will be held on Tuesday, August 22.

There will be no lectures in Week 35, that is, on August 29 and August 31.

  • Office hours:
    Wednesday, 11-12, room 1040, SB2.

Exercise sessions

The exercise sessions are held by Adrian Kirkeby. They will take place on Wednesdays 10:15-11:00 at Nullrommet (room no. 380A in Sentralbygg 2).

Nullrommet (to be found here) is a computer lab with 26 machines equipped with Linux (Ubuntu) and lots of scientific software (including MATLAB and Python IDEs), but it is possible to remotely access Windows from them, too. You can of course bring your own computer.

If you do not have access to Nullrommet, Matteland (floor 3 of Sentralbygg II) or the computers there, please send an email with your

  • full name,
  • NTNU username, and
  • student EM-number, that is, the EM-number printed on the back of your student ID card

to markus [dot] grasmair [at] ntnu [dot] no. It can take a few days before you have complete access.

The first exercise session will take place on Wednesday, September 6.

The exercises will be published here.


Of the reading material listed below, you should buy the book by Saad, but not necessarily any of the other ones. Saad's book is also available online for free through NTNU's network at SIAM.

  • Y. Saad: Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems. 2nd ed. SIAM, 2003. (main text)
  • L. N. Trefethen and D. Bau: Numerical Linear Algebra, SIAM, 1997. Photocopies of the relevant chapters will be made available on itslearning.
  • G. Golub and C. Van Loan: Matrix Computations. 3rd ed. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Photocopies of the relevant chapters will be made available on itslearning.
  • W. L. Briggs, V. E. Henson, S. F. Mc Cormick: A multigrid tutorial, SIAM, 2000. Available online at SIAM.
  • J. W. Demmel: Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, SIAM, 1997. Available online at SIAM.


  • November 30, 9-13; the place will be announced a few days before the exam.

You may bring the following support material to the exam:

2017-10-30, Markus Grasmair