TMA4205 Numerical linear algebra, autumn 2016
The course description can be found here.
27.11.2016 | The results of the projects can now be found here. |
14.11.2016 | The deadline for the second project is postponed to Wednesday 23.11. @23.59. |
14.11.2016 | There will be an additional exercise session on Thursday 17.11. from 15:15-16:00 at Nullrommet. |
25.10.2016 | The second project is now online: Project 2. The deadline is 20.11. Please submit your reports (PDF + zipped code) to Torbjørn. |
02.10.2016 | Because of the coming project deadline, I will have office hours on Wednesday 05.10. from 13:00-16:00 (SB II, room 1040). MG |
30.09.2016 | The exercise classes have been changed! From now on, exercise classes will be held Tuesdays 14:15-15:00 at Nullrommet (room no. 380A in Sentralbygg 2). |
23.09.2016 | In case you are looking for a project partner for the two projects that have to be delivered during the term, please send me an e-mail as soon as possible. |
22.09.2016 | There have been questions about moving the time of the exercise classes. Please fill out this Doodle poll so that we can see what times suit the most people, and we will see if a better time can be found. |
15.09.2016 | The first project is now online: Project 1. The deadline is 09.10. Please submit your reports (PDF + zipped code) to Torbjørn. |
30.08.2016 | Starting with September 5, the lecture on Monday will take place from 10:15-12:00 in room 656, SBII. |
28.08.2016 | Please fill out the doodle poll as soon as possible; it will be closed on Monday, 29.08., at 19:00. |
23.08.2016 | There will be no lectures or exercises in week 35 (August 28 - September 2). |
18.08.2016 | Because of a collision with the lecture TMA4220, Numerical solution of PDEs with finite elements, I would like to reschedule the Monday lecture. Please indicate as soon as possible in this doodle poll which time would be possible for you. The time for the Wednesday lecture as well as the exercise classes will be unchanged. Also, the first lecture will take place according to the regular schedule on Monday, 22nd August, 12:15. |
11.08.2016 | Welcome to the course Numerical linear algebra. The lecture will start on Monday, 22nd August. |