TMA4195 Mathematical Modelling - Fall 2023
The course description can be found here.
21.12.23 | Todays exam and solution proposal. Thanks for atenting Mathematical Modelling, and have a merry x-mas and a happy new year! |
13.12.23 | On Tuesday 19.12 and Wednesday 20.12 I am available 13:00-16:00 both days for questions. My office is in Sentralbygg 2, tenth floor, room 1050. |
13.12.23 | Note that no written material is allowed on the exam, only simple calculator. But I can say so much that there really will be no need for such a device. |
21.11.23 | There has been questions about the final grade. The way you are given the final grade in this course (and all other courses with a project that counts) is that the written exam is given a letter grade, and separately the project is given a letter grade. That is all the sensors do. Then by some central administration at NTNU the two letter grades are weighted according to given weight and your final grade is published. I am not totally sure of the very specifics of how this final grade is calculated, but it should be possible to find out. |
17.11.23 | The final reference group meeting is up soon. So far there has been no response from you… I would be happy if anyone have something to say about the course in general and specifically the project. Please send your comments to Ellen Skrimstad and/or Thomas Majlund Nielsen . |
17.11.23 | Xavier will be available on Teams on Monday 20.November 1215-1400. A link to this Teams meeting is found on the digital forum page under the post "Help sessions for the project". |
16.11.23 | Just as we did last year, you could also optionally send me an anonymous version of your project without names and group number. I could then post them in randomized order here on the Project page after everyone has handed in the project. |
15.11.23 | Project deliverance Mail your project to Dag before 24:00 Thursday 23.November. As already informed, the names and candidate numbers of each member of the group must be included. |
15.11.23 | Even though it is hinted on the Project page, there will be no oral presentation of the project in class. I know you are all pressed on time these days, and also presenting 12 groups in two lecture hours is too cramped. |
14.11.23 | Correction: Deadline for project is postponed to November 23 (corrected below). |
14.11.23 | Project hand in. Be sure to include names and candidate number of all the members of the group in your project deliverance. Deadline is Thursday November 23. |
07.11.23 | Here is an informative short introduction to basic concepts in electrochemistry that might be helpful for a better understanding of the project. |
06.11.23 | Project description Note that new versions of the project description are posted on Project page. |
03.11.23 | Here is the new version of the project description. Problem 5 has been somewhat rewritten. |
01.11.23 | For your information: Xavier is rewriting question 5. The new version of the project description will be posted here tomorrow. |
01.11.23 | Here are slides from Xavier's talk on Monday. |
01.11.23 | Here is an extract from a book introducing electrochemical potential etc. It might be helpful. |
31.10.23 | Here is an article from today's BBC news on batteries. |
31.10.23 | The slides from Markus Grasmair about modelling week in Sicily |
30.10.23 | There will not be any questions about Maxwell's equations or Navier-Stoke's equation on the exam, even though some time was spent on these topics in the lectures. However, for those of you interested, here is a brief note on Maxwell's equations and continuation of lecture 10 copied from a previous year. To be clear, the curriculum is the handwritten notes found in the lecture plan. |
28.10.23 | Here are the project groups. Please contact me if something is not correct. You can go the Blackboard home page and find e-mail addresses of all students. |
27.10.23 | Here is the project description. On Monday Xavier Raynaud will introduce the project, and hopefully Simon Clark, battery expert, will give a general talk on battery modelling. |
24.10.23 | We will have a digital forum for the project part. Here you can post questions and we will try to answer in reasonable time. The editor supports Latex. |
23.10.23 | Here you can warm up for the project by watching an introductory movie to Lithium ion batteries. |
20.10.23 | Reference group meeting coming up. Send mail to Ellen Skrimstad and/or Thomas Majlund Nielsen for any comments/suggestions for the course. |
09.10.23 | PROJECT The project part of the course counts for 25% of the final grade. You will usually work in groups of 4 to 5 people (can be flexible) and the project period starts at October 30. You must sign in by sending me a mail by October 27. You can sign in several people if you have decided you want to work together, or alone and I will assign you to a group. Read more about the project in the menue to the left. |
02.10.23 | Today I am not available at 1400-1500. Send me a mail if urgent. |
18.09.23 | The first meeting for the reference group is now on Friday. If you have any feedback concerning Mathematical Modelling, please send a mail to either of the two members of the reference group which are Ellen Skrimstad and Thomas Majlund Nielsen . |
15.09.23 | Let's go for a more flexible exercise class. Instead of Thursdays 1414-1500 in Landmålerhallen, you can come to my office, Sentralbygg 2, 10.floor, room 1050, at any time. In particular, after lectures on Mondays, from 1415 to 1500, I will dedicate time for answering questions in my office, or of coarse answering questions in class after lectures. To be clear, I will not be in Landmålerhallen on Thursdays. |
29.08.23 | I will be in Landmålerhallen each Thursday 1415-1500 to answer questions. There is no formal teaching in the exercise class, it is just a resource for you students. As already informed, exercises are optional, but highly recomended. |
28.08.23 | Ellen Skrimstad and Thomas Majlund Nielsen constitute the members of the reference group. We will have three meetings during the semester discussing and recording feedback from the students. You may mail any one of them if you have comments or suggestions about anything in the course. When that is said you may of course come directly to me any time. |
28.08.23 | I have made a document (written in Latex) for the dimensional analysis part of the course. You can find it here. |
25.08.23 | So far we will use the hand written notes from last year. See Lecture Plan in the left menu. |
25.08.23 | The curriculum for the course is defined by the written notes and the exercises. The following compendium contains most of the stuff we cover. Note that we do not cover all the material in the compendium. |
26.07.23 | Welcome to Mathematical Modelling, autumn 2023. |
26.07.23 | Note: "Master Monday" on Monday August 21, an introductory session for new master students at the institute, collides with the first lecture in Mathematical Modelling. Consequently the first lecture scheduled at 12:15-14:00 Monday August 21 is cancelled. The first lecture is Friday August 25, 12:15-14:00 in K5. |