Reference group

If you have any remarks, request, complaints etc. regarding this course, contact the lecturer and/or the reference group:

Name Program Email
Adrian Kirkeby MTFYMA
Håkon Strandenes Marin
Anette Østbø Sørensen MTFYMA

Meeting 29.09.: A summary would be to say that for the most part the students are satisfied or happy about the course (e.g. some really enjoy the case studies!), but that the speed sometimes is too high, especially at the end of the lectures.
- I am aware of this and I am constantly working to reduce the speed without sacrifizing important details.
- You should still contact me or the reference group if you have comments or suggestions for improvement.

Meeting 23.11.: About the project: "Exiting", "many possibilities", "learned much from it". Took much time, especially solving the temperature numerically (this was unexpected for the lecturer). Advantage for students with more numerics courses. Wishes: Smaller groups, could expectations be more clearly explained?
About the course: "Good!" Nice arrangement, well prepared lectures, good notes, lecturing speed better and better.

2012-11-23, Espen Robstad Jakobsen