
New messages

23/6: The results are in. A: 5, B: 5, C: 3, D: 3, E: 3, F: 4.

Some comments:

  • 1a: Too many had trouble with this.
  • 1c: Too many people gave a parity check matrix for the permutation-equivalent code, not the original code.
  • 1d: Syndrome decoding turned out to be hard, and some people forgot they were working over a non-binary field.
  • 3: Too many people did not get the difference between upper bounds (no codes better than this exist) and lower bounds (codes at least this good exist).

13/6: This year's exam with suggested solutions.

Old messages

5/6: Visiting hours before the exam: Mon 10-12, Tue 9-12, Wed 9-12, Fri 12-14. You can also reach me by e-mail.

2/6: The permitted examination aids for the course is "C: Specified printed and hand-written support material is allowed. A specific basic calculator is allowed." The specification will be as follows: All printed and hand-written support material is allowed.

20/4: There will be no lecture on Thursday 21/4.

11/3: It is time to evaluate the course. Please answer the survey before the end of Tuesday March 15.

27/2: There will be no change to visiting hours/exercise class.

22/2: We may want to reschedule the visiting hours/exam help for the rest of the semester. Please complete the poll by Friday 26/2 to indicate your preference. (The dates on the poll indicate next week, but your choice applies for the entire semester.)

12/1: There will be no lecture on Thursday January 13.

8/1: The Monday lectures will be in F3.

30/12: The first lecture will be on Monday January 11.

2016-06-23, Kristian Gjøsteen