Lecture plan

The lecture plan will be continuously updated.

Date Topics
Calculus of variations and PDEs
Week 3 Introduction and examples
Dirichlet integral and Laplace equation
Weak and strong Euler-Lagrange equation
Weak derivatives
The Sobolev space \(H^1\)
Weak and strong Euler-Lagrange equation
Week 4 Variational methods for image processing
Weak solutions of PDEs
Relation to Galerkin methods
PDEs as operator equations in Hilbert spaces
Lax–Milgram theorem
Week 5 Application of Lax–Milgram to variational problems
Optimality conditions for simple optimal control problems
Carathéodory functions
Monotone, coercive, and hemi-continuous operators
Browder–Minty theorem
2019-01-28, Markus Grasmair