
Here you can find the project description.

The student assistant responsible for the project is Axel Henæs Rønold (axelhr [at] stud [dot] ntnu [dot] no). You can contact Axel with your questions related to the project.

You will be able to submit your project in groups of 3-4 students. Please sing up in Blackboard under “Groups” by March 7th: Note that you can only sign up once. If you already know who you want to be working with, please sign up at the same time to a specified group. Please note that you will only be able to submit your project after being signed up in a group. The deadline for submission is April 30th, 2021. Please submit your project via the group in Blackboard. Please contact me (elisabeth [dot] kobis [at] ntnu [dot] no) in case you would like me to help you get in touch with other students to form a group.

2021-04-10, Elisabeth Anna Sophia Köbis