Information about the lecture
Official course description
The lecture is held by Markus Grasmair, room 1040 SB2;
Time and place
- Thursday 14:15-16:00, lecture hall F6.
- Friday 12:15-14:00, lecture hall EL4.
- Office hours: Friday 14:00-15:00, room 1040, SB2 (if you cannot come to the office hours, feel free to stop by my office at any time you want; I appreciate though, if you write me an e-mail the day before).
The first lecture will be held on Thursday, January 8.
Exercise sessions
The exercises are held by Torbjørn Ringholm.
The exercise sessions are held on Tuesday 10:15-11:00 in room R73. The first session will take place on Tuesday, January 20.
The exercises will be published here.
The textbook used in the course is J. Nocedal and S. Wright: Numerical Optimization, 2nd Edition. Springer, 2006, (Errata).
This book is available in electronic form at Springerlink.
- June 06 2015, 09:00-13:00. The location will be given here
- Permitted aids are given by code C:
- The textbook: Nocedal & Wright, Numerical Optimization including Errata (printed versions of the book are perfectly fine).
- Rottmann, Matematisk formelsamling.
- The rules for modifying the textbook are:
- You are not allowed to write anything else than your name anywhere in the book
- You may mark pages with paper marks (lapper) without annotation or by dog-earings (eselører)
- You may mark text in the book by underlining/highlighting it (understreking/overstreking)
- The exam will be given in English, but you may answer in Norwegian.
- There will be a question session on June 01, 09:00-11:00, in lecture hall F4.