TMA4180 Optimization Theory: Spring 2013


  • 30.06. The exam set with so far not yet proofread solutions.
  • 06.05. Office hours before the exam (subject to change):

    Wednesday 22.05: 14:00-16:00 (AK)
    Thursday 23.05: 14:00-16:00 (AK)
    Friday 24.05: 16:00-17:00 (ME)
    Monday 27.05: 14:00-16:00 (AK)
    Tuesday 28.05: 14:00-16:00 (AK)

    AK: Anne Kværnø, room 1348 SBII,
    MK: Markus Eslitzbichler, room 1302 SBII
  • 03.05. About meeting hours before the exam. We will set up a couple of hours every working day the last week before the exam. Details will be announced here. If you have questions regarding the course before that, you are welcome to contact me whenever needed (within working hours). But please, do not ask questions by email and expect mathematical expressions in the reply.
  • 03.05. The grades from your project is now available at It's learning. Please inform me as soon as poosible if there are some obvious mistakes.
  • 26.04. Your projects will be graded next week (no later than Friday May 3).
  • 19.04. The tutorial next week will be held in room EL1, 16:00 - 17:00.
  • 12.04. Copies of the relevant chapters from the book in variational analaysis are available at the department office (7th floor, SBII). Price: 100kr.
  • 11.04. An updated project description is now available. There was a mistake in Figure 1 and an incorrect index in the appendix. Some further comments to clarify the notation have been added.
  • 09.04. The mandatory project is now available The deadline is April 22. This and next week, the tutorials are moved to MA24 (in the basement of the green building behind Realfagsbygget) and will last from 16:15-18:00.
  • 05.04. For those of you who have been in Japan: Welcome back. For all of you, hope you had a nice and relaxing easter vacation!
    We have now finished part 2 of the curriculum, on constrained optimization. Next week, we will start with variational calculus, from scratch.
    The small project, which counts 20% of the total grade in the course will be available from Tuesday, with deadline April 22.
  • 21.03. No tutorial today.
  • 14.02. No tutorial today.
  • 05.02. Ang. prosjektet: Det teller 20%. Det deles ut 9. april, med innlevering 19. april. Og det er tillatt å jobbe i grupper på to.
  • 05.02. Harald Krogstad will give the lectures in week 7 and 8 (12.02-22.02). Contact:
  • 05.02. There will be no tutorial next week (i.e. on February 14th). If you have questions about the exercises, contact Markus Eslitzbichler about office hours.
  • 25.01. On Tuesday January 29, 13:15-14:00 Professor Dietmar Hömberg from Technische Universität Berlin will give a guest lecture.
    Both lectures (12:15-14:00) will be given in lecture hall H1, not in El6.
  • Welcome to the course in Optimization Theory.
    The first lecture will be on Tuesday January 15.

Course information

  • In the course description you can find detailed information about the course, the main topics presented and the learning outcome.

  • Lectures
    Tuesday 12:15-14:00 in El6 (in H1 in week 5)
    Friday 12:15-14:00 in K5
  • Tutorials
    Thursday 16:15-17:00 in Kjl4, starting in week 4.
  • Exam
    29.05.2013, 09:00-13:00.
    Permitted aids: Approved calculator and formula collection (Rotmann).
    The exam will be given in English only, but you are free to answer in bokmål or nynorsk, if you prefer so.


Teaching material

  • J. Nocedal and S. Wright: Numerical Optimization, 2nd Edition. Springer, 2006, (Errata).
    This book is available in electronic form at Springerlink.
  • J. L. Troutman: Variational Calculus and Optimal Control, 2nd Ed. Springer, 1996.
    (Legal copies of relevant pages from Troutman will be sold at net cost)
  • Lecture notes.


  • There will be given weekly exercises. These are not mandatory, and should not be handed in.
    The first tutorial is on Thursday January 24.
  • There will be given one exercise counting 20% of the totla grade in the course.
2013-05-30, Anne Kværnø