TMA 4175 - Complex Analysis - Spring 2013
- Solutions to the examination given 28 May 2013 exam_solutions.pdf
- 11/01. The first exercise meeting will be on week 4.
Berit Stensønes - beritste [at] math [dot] ntnu [dot] no, Room 950 Sentralbygg II
Lectures and exercises
- Lectures:
- Exercise sessions:
- Office hours: Tuesdays, 16:00-17:00
Course material
Exam syllabus
Theodore W. Gamelin, Complex Analysis
All homework tasks are included in the syllabus.
One of the homework exercises will be literally on the exam.
Chapter 1, Section 1 - 8
Chapter 2, Section 1 - 7
Chapter 3, Section 1 - 5
Chapter 4, Section 1 - 5
Chapter 5, Section 1 - 5, 7
Chapter 6, Section 1 - 2
Chapter 7, Section 1 - 4, 7,8
Chapter 8, Section 1 - 3
Chapter 9, Section 1
Chapter 10, Section 1,3
Chapter 11, Section 1 - 2, 6
Lecture plan
11/01 | Week 3. This week we refresh our knowledge of comlpex analysis from Matte 4. |
- Week 4: Chapter 1: Section1: 5,10 Section 2: 6,7 Section 3: 1,2 Section 5: 3,4 Section 6: 2,3 Section 7: 5,8 Section 8: 1
- Week 5: Chapter 2: Section1: 10,16 Section2 :2,3,5 Section3: 2,3 Section 4: 6,7 Section 5: 1,4
- Week 6: Chapter 2: Section 5: 5,6,7 Section 6: 5,7,9 Section 7:1 a,c and h 3,5,11
- Week 7: Chapter 3: Section 1: 2,5 Section 2: 3,4 Section 3: 1,2. We will also spend some time on the problems from week 6.
- Week 8: Chapter 3: Section 5: 2,5,8 Chapter 4: Section1: 2,4,5 Section 2: 1,4 Section 3: 1,3
- Week 9: Chapter 4: Section 4: 1f,g,2,4 Section 5: 1,5 Section 6: 2
- Week 10: Chapter 5: Section 2: 1,3,8 Section 3: 2,5 Section 4: 1 e,f 8
- Week 11: Chapter 5: Section 5: 1 Section 7: 1 b,e,h 4,7,9 Chapter 6: Section 1: 1 Section 2: 1 a,c,e,f ,7,10,12
- Week 12: Chapter 7: Section 1: 1b,d, 3a, 6 Section 2:1,7,9 Section 3: 1,5 Section 4: 2,5
Homework 14 : Chap 10: Section 1: 2,3 Chap 11: Section 1:2,4,11 Section 6: 3
Start looking at last years exam To prepare look at the exams from 2012,2010 and 2009 NOTE: This will be a Kode A eksamen so all written material, handwritten or printed, is allowed. Office hours after may 10 tuesdays from 13 to 15. GOOD LUCK !
Theodore Gamelin, Complex Analysis
Written, 4 hours, 28.05, 9:00-13:00