
A problem set will be given each week. They are part of the curriculum, but are not required to be handed in.

Note: The short exercise sets only contain the problems to be solved (like at the exam), while the long version splits problems into smaller parts, yielding an outline, or contains hints.

A solution will be published after the exercise has been discussed in the corresponding exercise class.

Exercise class: To attend the exercise class is not mandatory, however we strongly encourage you to do so. To benefit most of it, try to solve the exercises prior to attending, so that you can ask questions.

In general the exercise class is the right place to get help with the exercises as well as to discuss and ask questions about the material covered in the course

If you cannot attend the exercise class, due to attending the lecture in TMA4180, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of having a short and a long version of the exercise sheet. If you tried, but couldn’t solve a problem, don’t hesitate to show us what you tried and ask for help. Easiest way: approach the lecturer in the break or right after a lecture.

No. Exercise (short) Exercise (long) Solution Session date Comments
  • You need to get the project approved to be eligible for the exam. If you have fulfilled the project requirement a previous semester, you do not have to do so again. If you want confirmation that you have a registered approval a previous semester, you need to contact Studentservice.
  • If you have question concerning the posted solution or your solution come to the exercise class on Monday 17.4.
  • Supervision (tentative plan):
    • Friday 10.3, 10:00-12:00, SB2 room 1150
    • Monday 13.3, 15:00-17:00, K5
    • Friday 17.3, 10:00-12:00, SB2 room 738
    • Monday 20.3, 11:00-12:30, SB2 room 656
  • The project consists of 5 problems (longer exercise problems) P1 - P5, each contributing with 20 %. To get the project approved you must have solved 40% and in addition you must have tried to solve all problems. Furthermore, you must give reasons for all answers, i.e. include enough details and / or calculations to ensure that it is clear how the answer has been reached. The flow and phase diagrams must be drawn by hand. You may answer either in English or Norwegian.
  • You may work in groups of two or three students. If so, each member must hand-in the answer. If you work in a group, please inform Katrin, who you are collaborating with.
  • Submission: ovsys.
  • Deadline: Friday 24.3, 16:00
2023-12-07, Katrin Grunert