31.07.2021 | All who have signed up for the re-take examination have been scheduled a slot and sent a Zoom link. If you expect to receive one but have not yet done so, please contact me via email as quickly as possible. |
26.07.2021 | The date of the re-take examination has been announced, but the department has determined that this is to be an oral examination. A copy of an email regarding this can be found at the "Final Examination" section of the Course information page. |
12.07.2021 | A few (⇐ 5) candidates have had their marks revised (up only) following an error in marking. These have been reported and will be visible shortly. |
07.06.2021 | Exams have been marked and solutions posted with remarks. Results will be released soon. |
04.06.2021 | Solutions to the exam will be posted on Monday or Tuesday. |
17.05.2021 | Following reference group discussions (see minutes to Meeting III on the "Reference group" page), I am willing to hold a 1.5 hour tutorial session at the regular lecture zoom link for people to ask what questions they have after they have had some time to study, on Sunday, the 30th of May at starting at 13.30. There will be no prepared remarks — this is only for people to ask questions. I will not be discussing the examination. This session will not be recorded. |
11.05.2021 | A request was made that I point out some "relevant" problems in Perko. These have been put up with a list of caveats on the "Exercises" page. |
26.04.2021 | Lectures ended today. I hope you have enjoyed this module and learnt something interesting. Here's also a reminder that a reference group meeting is upcoming. Further information on final examination may follow. |
25.04.2021 | If you have questions from previous sheets/past papers for Mr. Murari for exercise class on Monday, it would be helpful to email them in in advance. His email address can be found on the "Course information" page. |
24.04.2021 | The first revision lecture is up. Apologies that I only have half of it. You are invited to come with questions to the second, on Monday the 26th of April. The final reference group meeting is scheduled for the 4th of May, please send in your concerns if you have any. |
04.06.2021 | Lectures resume online on Thursday, the 8th of April. The final exercise sheet has been posted. See "Exercises" page. |
26.03.2021 | There will be no lecture on the 29th of March. Lectures will resume on the 8th of April. |
21.03.2021 | The minutes to the reference group meeting on the 9th of March has been posted. See "Reference group" page. Apologies for the delay. Moreover, following the consultation, we will not be having in-person lectures. An email will follow shortly. |
12.03.2021 | Following Reference group meeting II (minutes soon to be published), a consultation email was sent to each registered student of this module regarding in-person lectures. Please respond if you intend to attend. See copy of email on the Reference group page. |
08.03.2021 | Reference group meeting II is happening tomorrow at 9.00a.m.. Comments welcome, particularly on in-person lectures. Apologies for short notice. |
28.02.2021 | Exercises classes on Monday will be from 18.00 to 20.00 instead of the usual 17.00 – 19.00. |
25.02.2021 | (1) There is no exercise sheet for this Thursday because we are slightly behind on lectures. (2) I intend to continue running online lectures, but if you believe that physical lectures (which not many attended when it happened) are preferable, and you intend to attend, please tell me or your reference group representatives in writing. |
13.02.2021 | The minutes to the reference group meeting on the 9th of February has been posted. See "Reference group" page. |
10.02.2021 | Pursuant to changes in University policy in the evening of the 10th of February, 2021, there will be no in-person lectures tomorrow — we will revert to Zoom lectures at the same Zoom link until further notice. |
09.02.2021 | Sorry if you have not been able to complete Q6 on the most recent problem sheet — Q6 has been further revised. |
08.02.2021 | I was notified that the link provided didn't work. Mediasenteret has provided me with a new link, and the link on the "Lecture Plan" page has been amended. Apologies that I forgot to use the microphone for the first bit of the first part of today's lecture. |
06.02.2021 | (1) We are having in-person lectures on the 8th, see bulletin item 05.02.2021. (2) The date of the final examination has been announced — Firday, the 4th of June, 2021. (3) There is a reference group meeting on the 9th of February. |
05.02.2021 | We are having in-person lectures on the 8th. These will be streamed online on Panopto at the link given in the "Lecture plan" page. You are reminded to come with masks on and to register on the day using the NTNU check-in system. Here are some reasons to stay at home: i) you are feeling unwell, ii) you are living with people who are feeling unwell, iii) you have recently arrived from overseas or from the South East of Norway, including: Nordre Follo, Oslo, Enebakk, Ås, Vestby, Nesodden, Indre Østfold, Moss, Frogn, or Våler. |
31.01.2021 | (1) We shall attempt to have in-person lectures on the 8th. (2) Exercise classes remain online. (3) Mr. Davide Murari pointed out several typos and mistakes in exercise set II, a revised sheet has been uploaded. |
28.01.2021 | Following consultations, I will make preparations for in-person teaching to start on the 8th of February. A follow-up announcement will confirm this. |
25.01.2021 | (1) We will attempt to start in-person lectures on the 8th of February. It will not be over zoom, but essentially in real time (30-second lag). (2) I will be exploring different technological alternatives whilst on-line lectures continue. (3) We will have a zoom tutorial today. Details will be posted on Blackboard. (4) There are now three reference group representatives for TMA4165. See "Reference group" page. Do contact them about TMA4165 if there are issues you want to raise but not directly with me. |
21.01.2021 | (1) We will be having Zoom lectures until the 1st of February, earliest. In-person lectures, if they happen, will be recorded but will probably not be available in real time over Zoom. (2)There are now two reference group representatives for TMA4165. See "Reference group" page. |
20.01.2021 | The fourth lecture will be a Zoom lecture. From the first of February, I would like to resume digital teaching. This looks to be possible if class sizes are kept below 50 students. But whilst circa 30 people attend Zoom lectures, there are circa 90 registrants on Blackboard. It is therefore difficult for me to know how many intend to attend lectures if we revert to physical teaching. It would also be helpful to know how many prefer the current set-up. On the second point, may I refer you to the bulletin item of the 19.01.2021 — please elect a one or two more representatives. |
19.01.2021 | There is now one reference group representative for TMA4165. See "Reference group" page. It would be helpful to have one or two more. Please send me an email if you are happy to volunteer. |
18.01.2021 | Please email your questions pertaining to the exercises to Mr. Murari this week and he will answer as many of them as he can over the tutorial hours. We shall arrange a zoom tutorial next week if online teaching continues to be mandated. |
16.01.2021 | The third lecture will be a Zoom lecture. |
14.01.2021 | The first exercise set is up. See "Exercises" page. |
12.01.2021 | The Panopto link to the video recording for the first lecture is up. See "Lecture Plan" page. |
09.01.2021 | The first and second lectures of this module will be held over Zoom. Login will be posted in Blackboard (notwithstanding that I have said we shall make sparing use of Blackboard). Online lectures will be recorded — though chat/raised hands will not be so. |
04.01.2021 | Welcome to TMA4165 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems. Information concerning TMA4165 will be posted on this site and we shall try to make very sparing use of Blackboard. Lectures start in Week 2. The first lecture will likely be an on-line lecture. This will be cofirmed and details will be posted here. |