Lecture plan

This plan will change through the semester.

Chapter numbers refer to Stinson, except where marked. HAC is the Handbook of Applied Cryptography. NTA is A computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra. SYM, DH, PKE, SHOR, LAT and SIG refer to the lecture notes.

WeekTopicKey wordsMaterial
34How to agree on a secret and what to do with itDiffie-Hellman. Classical ciphers, confidentiality.11.2, 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, DH 1-2, SYM 1, 2, 3.1-3
35 Classical ciphers, perfect security, modern ciphers.1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.7, SYM 3.4-9
36How to break DHFinite cyclic groups. Discrete logarithms. Pohlig-Hellman.6.2, DH 3.1-3
37 Baby-step-Giant-step. Pollard's rho. Primality testing.5.4, 6.2, DH 3.4-5, 4
38 Primality testing. Finite fields, index calculus.5.4, 6.2.4, 6.4, DH 4, 5
39 Elliptic curves6.5 (only point compression in 6.5.4), DH 6
40 Elliptic curves. Public key encryption, ElGamal.6,1, 6.5 (only point compression in 6.5.4), 6.7.2, DH 6, PKE 1-4
41PKCRSA, factoring, Pollard's rho and p-1. Index calculus for factoring.5.1, 5.3, 5.5-6, 5.7.1-2, PKE 4-5
42Future cryptographyQuantum computers. Lattice-based cryptography.SHOR 1-4, LAT 1-2
43 Lattice-based cryptography, LLL algorithm.LAT 2-4
44IntegrityIntegrity. Message authentication codes. Digital signatures. Collisions, preimages, second preimages.4.1-4.5, HAC 4.5, SYM 4-5, PKE 6. SIG 1-4
45Digital signaturesRSA. Iterated hash functions4.1-4.3, 4.4. SIG 3, 4
46 RSA. Schnorr signatures and zero knowledge.7.1-7.2, 7.4.1, 7.5.2. SIG 5, 6
47Summary. Old exams
2017-09-25, Kristian Gjøsteen