Lecture plan

This plan will change through the semester.

Chapter numbers refer to Stinson, except where marked. HAC is the Handbook of Applied Cryptography.

WeekTopicKey wordsChapters
34How to agree on a secret and what to do with itDiffie-Hellman. Classical ciphers, confidentiality, perfect security11.2, 1.1, 1.2, 2.3
35 Classical ciphers, modern ciphers, integrity, message authentication codes1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.6, 4.4, 4.5, HAC 4.5
36How to break DHPrimality testing.5.4
37 Finite cyclic groups. Pohlig-Hellman. Baby-step-Giant-step.6.2
38 Pollard's rho. Generic groups.6.2, 6.3
39 Finite fields, index calculus.6.2, 6.3, 6.4
40 Elliptic curves6.5
41 Elliptic curves6.5
42Public key encryptionElGamal/RSA5.1, 6.1, 6.7, 5.3
43 RSA, Pollard's rho and p-1, Index calculus for factoring5.5-5.6, 5.7.1-2
44Hash functionsCollisions, preimages, second preimages, iterated hash functions4.1-4.3
45Digital signaturesRSA. Schnorr signatures and zero knowledge.7.1-7.2, 7.4.1, 7.5.2
46Electronic voting
2010-11-08, Kristian Gjøsteen