TMA4145 Linear Methods, Autumn 2023

The course description can be found here.


02.09.2024 Here you can find the grading scheme I have used for the retake exam.
14.08.2024 Here you can find today's retake exam and a solution proposal.
07.08.2024 If you have questions concerning the retake exam, I will be available on Monday, 12.08.2024 at 10-12 in my office.
04.01.2024 I have now finished grading the exam, and you should soon be able to see your results in Studentweb. Here is the grading scheme that I have used.
04.12.2023 I hope that everything went well in today's exam. Here you can find the exam and a solution proposal.
04.12.2023 Good luck for today's exam!
10.11.2023 Exercise 13 has now been posted and can be found here. The deadline is Monday 20.11.2023 at 15:00, which is the same deadline as exercise 12. Exercise 13 should be uploaded to ovsys as any other problem set, but only for those who need an additional problem set to be eligible for the exam. If there are any questions, please contact Helge Jørgen Samuelsen.
08.11.2023 The plenary exercise session today (08.11.2023) at 14:15-16:00 is unfortunately cancelled. We apologise for the inconvenience.
21.09.2023 The exercise session today (21.09.2023) at 10:15-12:00 in VA2 has been cancelled due to illness. We apologise for the inconvenience.
30.08.2023 The problems from the first plenary exercise lecture are now published under Exercises.
23.08.2023 The recordings of the lectures can be found in panopto. Note that it will take some time until they are published (as editing and processing takes some time).
21.08.2023 Because of crashes with other lectures, the lectures in this course will be filmed. I will let you know about the details as soon as possible.
01.06.2023 Set up the page — welcome to Linear Methods in the autumn term 2023.
2024-09-02, Markus Grasmair