TMA4135 Autumn 2019

* Tuesdays 14:15-16:00, A1 ;
* Thursdays 12:15-14:00, F1.

  • Updates: Things on the resit-exam The final grade will be pass/fail.
  • Updates: A (non-complete) solution of the exam is uploaded
  • More information on the Lecture plan can be found here. Our course is very similar to TMA4130 and TMA4125.
  • For those people resitting who have completed the exercises requirements the previous year, you should already be entered for the exam. Please speak to the institute on the seventh floor (SB2) to confirm this is the case. If there are any problems, email me (Matthew).

Lecture Notes

  • The course is based on the following two lecture notes:

math part by Xu Wang

Jupyter notes for the numerical part by Anne Kværnø

  • Preliminaries:

Preliminaries for the math part

Class Notes

Exercise and Exams

Reference group

#Mats Schiøtz# mats [dot] schiotz [at] hotmail [dot] com

#VERA LEE MAN ER# veraleemaner [at] gmail [dot] com

#LEONG YING XUAN EUNICE# NIE173564 [at] e [dot] ntu [dot] edu [dot] sg

If you are in the reference group, you can get feedback from me for the weekly exercise (just hand them in to Xu).

Feedback of the first meeting (12th Sep):

1. The exercise is not very difficult, could be better to make a few hard exercises (but mark those that are not related to the exam). It is better to use standard and specific examples (e.g. use the standard integration by parts trick, use t^2 instead of t^n; first define f(x)=x^2, then say that we will compute the Fourier series of f; write down the problem first when trying to prove something).

2. White/black board: better to have more pauses during the lectures.

3. At the end of the fourier part, do the old exams.

4. Make an extra exercise that is related to "real" applications.

Feedback of the second meeting (31th oct):

1. The exercise is a little bit too much.

2. Better to have more examples with geometric pictures.

3. Instead of just saying it, write down the important facts.

4. Better to control the break time; better we do not use the white board; better we repeat the mainline of the last lecture.

5. For the last week "questions before the exam", better to post the questions earlier, say at least one week before.

Feedback of the final meeting (3th Dec)

1. Better to attach the numerical formula sheet in the lecture notes, explain at the very beginning whether the sheet will be enclosed in the exam.

2. For the numerical part, better to recommend more exercises (e g from the book).

3. Better to separate the hand writing and coding exercises (e g by making an independent file containing all the coding exercises with solutions).

4. Problem 2b) is difficult to understand, better to add "to explain why we have the identity for the above Fourier series expansion".

2020-08-30, Xu Wang