Exercises for mathematics 4D/N

On this page you will find exercise sets and solution proposals.

In total, 12 exercise sheets will be provided. In order to get access to the exam, you have to get 8 exercise sheets approved. It is, however, strongly recommended that you complete all exercise sets.

Approvals from previous semesters

If you have fulfilled the exercise requirements a previous semester (in either of the courses TMA4130, TMA4125, or TMA4135, you do not have to do so again. If you want confirmation that you have a registered approval from previous semesters, you need to contact Studentservice.

Submissions: time and place

The solutions should be handed in in ovsys. Please hand in a pdf-file with the solutions of the analytical problems and either jupyter notebooks (.ipynb) or python files (.py) for the programming problems. The deadline is always 16:00 on the dates given below.

The answers of the analytical problems should contain enough details so that it is clear how a solution has been obtained. For the programming problems, it is necessary that the code actually runs.

Exercise sheets

The .ipynb files below can be run by Jupyter Notebook. If Jupyter Notebook is not already installed, we recommend using the Anaconda distribution, a detailed installation guide for which can be found here. Moreover, you can find an introduction to Jupyter notebooks with python here (click here for a view-only version, if Jupyter Notebook is not installed yet).

In order to work with jupyter notebooks in Anaconda, follow the following steps:

  • (Download and install Anaconda on your computer.)
  • Download the jupyter notebook on your computer. We recommend to set up a dedicated working directory for Maths 4N/D.
  • Start the Anaconda Navigator, and launch Jupyter Notebook. This should open a new window in your web-browser, from which you can navigate to your stored notebooks or open new ones.
  • For your solutions to the numerical exercises, feel free to copy code parts from the provided jupyter notebooks.

If (and only if) you have, or expect to have, precisely 7 approved exercises amongst the first 12, you may hand in the following exercise sheet. The deadline is Friday, November 25, 16:00. There won’t be any guidance for this exercise sheet in the exercise classes, but we will publish solutions.

Session in Week Deadline for hand-in Exercise Solutions
- 25.11. (!!) Exercise 13

This next exercise sheet contains coding related problems of the same structure as might possibly be given in the exam. Do not try to hand in these exercises!

Session in Week Deadline for hand-in Exercise Solutions
- - Additional exercises (updated 22.11) Solution (updated 22.11)
Corrected on August 30; there was an error in Problem 4b.
Corrected on September 15; there was an error in Problem 2b.
Corrected 13.10, there was an error in Problem 4
Corrected 28.10.; the assumptions in problem 4d have been made more precise, and one of the optional problems (former problem 5a) has been removed.
Corrected 17.11.; there was an error in problem 3b.
2024-01-11, Ronny Bergmann