
On this page you will find exercise sets and solution proposals.

You need at least 8 approved exercise sets to be granted access to the exam. It is, however, strongly recommended that you complete all exercise sets. If you have fulfilled the exercise requirements a previous semester, you do not have to do so again. If you want confirmation that you have a registered approval from previous semesters, you need to contact Studentservice.

It is your own responsibility to pay attention to the status of your exercise approvals, either by asking your student assistant or checking online.

Exercise sets are to be handed in on the third floor (second floor in the British convention) of Lavblokk Nord by 14:00 on a day that depends on which group you are in.

Exercise sets

Note: Some of the exercises do, as does the book, use physical units inconsistently. Since the units are really irrelevant here, you should simply treat every physical constant (such as a length or a temperature) as unitless!


2015-08-19, spreeman