TMA4130 Matematikk 4N høsten 2013
Emnebeskrivelse finnes i studiehåndboken.
20.12 | Final solutions and text of exam can be found in "Eksamsoppgaver" section |
05.12 | Grading will be done due to January, 6 |
05.12 | Small arithmetic mistake in the solution in the exercise 5b. Will be corrected in the final version of the solution |
05.12 | Below please find link to handwritten solution to the exam. The printed version of solution is coming soon. |
02.12 | The latest exams from the previous year can be found here: |
01.12 | RECENT exams in Matte 4N: see |
29.11 | UPDATE: the previous version of the formula list contained polygraphical errors. Here is the new one: |
28.11 | The lists containing the names of people who have completed the mandatory exercise requirements have been submitted to the exam office. |
28.11 | SORRY ! I am not able to answer numerous e-mails regarding concrete questions related to the course. Please visit the office hours and/or preexam meetings. |
28.11 | SOLUTIONS to the TEST EXAM see |
27.11 | PREREXAM MEETINGS will take place on Tuesday 03.12.2013, 14:15-16:00 room EL5, and Wednesday 04.12.2013, 14:15-16:00, room S3. The meetings are joint for TMA4122 and TMA4130. The meeting on Tuesday will be hold by Dag and the meeting on Wednesday by Yurii. Our plan is that the Tuesday meeting will be concentrated mainly around the numerical part of the course and the meeting on Wednesday mainly around the mathematical part. Welcome ! |
26.11 | The final pensum is on the web. |
23.11 | Typical problems about the Laplace transform (ATTENTION: they do NOT cover the whole pensum about L.t!): #2, fall 99; #1, fall 00; #2 spring 02; #2 sum 03; #1 spring 03; #1 sum 06; #1 sum 07. |
23.11 | ADDITIONAL OFFICE HOURS: Friday, 29.11, 10:00-12:00 in my office: room 954 SB2. You are welcome to come and ask questions (: |
22.11 | PREEXAM MEETINGS: They will take place on December 3 and December 4. Place and time will be announced additionally |
22.11 | Test exam. See |
13.11 | CORRECTION: It is too late to deliver exercise set n.13 at the standard time on 27.11 because the list of students admitted to the exam should be done earlier ! Those who need this exercise set to be taken into account please deliver it to Gard BEFORE WEDNESDAY 20.11, 16:00 |
11.11 | Exercise set n.13: I'll make an additional exercise set in order to save those who are at the edge of the exam admission. It is recommended to the rest of the students as well. The solutions should be delivered to the standard time and place, but there will not be "øvingstime" related to this exercise set. |
11.11 | Trial exam. At the last lecture 22.11 we will have trial exam: you will receive some test problems for 1.5 hours to solve. The solutions will be on the webpage. |
09.11 | Repetisjon plan for siste uker: Det er nå 4 (dobbelttimer) forelesninger igjen før undervisningsslutt, den siste 22. november:1/1,5 forelesninger med seperasjon av variable; 1 forelesning om Fourierintegral 1/1,5 forelesninger om Laplace |
04.11 | Meeting of the referanse gruppe: 08.11, 10:15, rom 954, SB2. |
21.09 | Meeting of the referanse gruppe: 24.09, 10:15, rom 954, SB2. |
28.08 | Øvingsinnleveringsbokser er på plass. |
27.08 | Øvingsinnleveringsbokser mangler. Beklager glippen. Dette vil ordnes straks, og notis kommer her. |
23.08 | Øving 1 er lagt ut. |
20.08 | Exam info: one of the homework problems will be literaly included to the final exam (: |
15.08 | Skjelett av hjemmeside opprettet. |