TMA4120 Matematikk 4K høsten 2020
Exam. 17.VIII.2021 texts: English, Norsk, Nynorsk. There was a slight misprint under the summation sign in Problem 3.
The solutions are available here. I wrote them in details just in case, the students need not be so detailed.
How to reach the exam problems Log onto
You should already see the exam as scheduled and it will open at 09:00, 28.11.20.
CONSULTATION before the exam: (All students from TMA4120 are welcome!)
P.L.: Tuesday 24 November on zoom, the usual lecture time. Wednesday 25 November 14:15 - 15 (prolonged, if there are too many questions).
Yu.L.: Thursday 26.11 at 10:00. Zoom ID 986 8837 0822, pswd 443654, link .
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE EXAM: Exam will be at home and the grade will be PASS/NOT PASS (bestått/ikke bestått). You will be able to write the solutions of the questions directly into the webpage. You have the possibility to show all the computations and justifications in each of the exam questions. The right answer with a short justification will give you full score. If your justification covers enough, it would be possible to get some points even though the answer is not totally correct.
INFORMATION ABOUT HOME EXAMS WITH INSPERA: Here is a link that deals with handwritten answers, scanning and uploading:
- Alle forelesninger er digitale. Sjekk din parallell i menyen til venstre for tid, zoom-id og passord.
- Øvingstimer starter 24. august. Øvingssystemet settes opp og skal være klart innen den tid.
- Formelark til eksamen: formelark .
- Fjorårets forelesninger: 2019.
- TMA4120 starter den 18. august (MLREAL, MATFYS) eller 19. august (BMAT, MTEL, MTTK)!
- OBS! Det er lagt ut en 13. øving for studenter som kun har 7 godkjente øvinger.
- MLREAL og MTFYMA Faglærer: Peter Lindqvist
- BMAT, MTEL og MTTK Faglærer: Yurii Lyubarskii