Beskjeder til parallellen:

  • Første forelesning: Onsdag 22. august, kl. 14.15 i S8
  • Første øvingstime: Uke 35.
  • 23.08. Slides of the lectures can be found in section Forelesningsnotater
  • 28.08. An example of formula page can be found in the previous exam sets. Rotman will NOT be available during the exam.
  • 12.09. I wrote some small problems on complex numbers in the section "Linker og Filer". Please look through them and try to do them.
    This will ease your life when coming to the Complex analysis part of the course.
  • I will be away on week 17.09 - 21.09. Professor Peter Lindquist kindly agreed to replace me for this period. Lecture notes on 19.09 and 20.09 are tentative notes.
  • 26.09. We will have a meeting with the reference group soon. Please address your requests/remarks (if any) to the members of the reference group.
  • 03.10. I repeatedly have requests about the formula page for the exam. It is not prepared yet and will be finalized just before the exam. Now you have an option to participate in its developing. Look through the page from the year ago. If you want some additional (legal) formulas to be included please send a message to me or to a member of the reference group.
  • 03.10. I put accurate exposition of the Shannon theorem in section "Filer og Lenker"
  • 05.10. In the section "Filer og Lenker" I put Test midterm and also Sample exam problems related to the part of the course already covered. They are NOT obligatory and will NOT be graded. No solutions/fasit will be published. A training set of problems about PDE is coming soon.
  • 06.10. A training set of PDE problems see in the section "Filer og Lenker"
  • 17.10. A training set of Conformal mappings see in the section "Filer og Lenker"
  • 26.10. We will have a meeting with the reference group pretty soon. Please address your requests (if any) to me or to the group members.
  • 30.10. Mistake in Kreiszig. The answer and hint to exercise 15.1, #17 are both wrongs! The series is convergent just use the Dirichlet principle. This exercise is not in homework, though (-: It seems there are far more mistakes. Don't be scared!
  • 03.11. National study I received the following letter from our administration. Please find time to enter the webpage mentioned in this letter and answer the questionary. I would really appreciate.

I disse dager pågår den nasjonale undersøkelsen om studiekvalitet (NOKUT) på alle landets universiteter. Undersøkelsen gjelder studenter i 2. og 5. studieår (på alle studieprogrammer: fysmat, bmat, lur, master, ingeniør). Resultatet er det såkalte Studiebarometeret, som kommer i februar. Det er viktig med høy deltagelse, og fakultetet/NTNU tar dette ganske så alvorlig. Fristen for å svare er 13. november.
Jeg vil be om at dere enten setter av tid i en forelesning, eller bruker en pause, til å få studentene til å svare på undersøkelsen der og da. Dere som veileder masterstudenter får dem til å svare. Undersøkelsen tar 10 minutter, og her på IE-fakultetet vil det trekkes ut en god del premier (gavekort på 1000 kr) blant de som deltar.
Studentene kan logge seg inn via en egen nettside:

  • 06.11. I put the second test midterm and test exams problems in the Complex analysis to the section "Lenker of Filer". They will not be graded, and they not necessarily cover the whole pensum for this part of the course.
  • 07.11. Notes on the Argument principle (to be taught this week) by Professor Peter Lindquist are added to the section "Lenker og filer"
  • 15.11. Notes on Lagrange interpolation formula is addet to "Lenker of Filer".
  • 21.11. Office hours next week : Monday 26.11, 14:15-15:00; Wednesday 28.11, 10:15-12:00; Thursday 29.11, 12:15 - 14:00. They will take place in my office; room 954, SBII. Welcome!
  • 21.11. Also, see the course main page for the office hours of Professor Peter Lindquist. All Matte4K students are welcome to any of us at these hours!
  • 22.11. We will have the last meeting with the reference group next week. Please address your questions/requests if any.
  • 26.11. I refer also to the test exam from the previous year Test exam. The formula page will be slightly increased though (:
  • 29.11. Formula page is on the web now. Enjoy!
  • 06.12. Preexam Meeting for all Matte4K students will take place on 12.12, 15:00-17:00, room F1. Welcome!
  • 06.12. Repetisjonsslides with short course summary are added to "Lenker og Filer". Attention: they cover the biggest part of the course yet not the whole course pensum.
  • 12.12.Regarding the exam strategy:
    1. Look through all exercises at the very beginning in order to check if you understand them. Somewhere in the first half of the exam one of the teachers will visit the room, so you will have enough time to ask questions in case something is not clear. Meanwhile, start doing other exercises.
    2. Each exercise brings you the same amount of points independently of how difficult it is. Do first the ones which seem easiest for you, you need not solve exercises in the same order as they are given in the exam text.
    3. You will be given full credit for an exercise if you do it correctly and obtain the correct answer, no matter how you proceed, unless some specific way of solution is explicitly directed. Your solutions should be motivated and explained.
    4. Please check your answers.
    5. Good luck!
  • 14.12. See the main page for the text of the exam. Solutions will be published on Monday 17.12. I apologize for the delay with their publication.
  • 17.12. Exam solutions are now on the main page.


  • Onsdag 10:15-12:00 i S6
  • Torsdag 12:15-14:00 i S2





2019-01-15, Hallvard Norheim Bø