Søk på prosjekter Prosjekt Veileder Antall studenter Timer per student Algebra constructions and Gröbner basis Øyvind Solberg 1 100 Bases generated by Gaussians Franz Luef, Yurii Lyubarskii 1 100 Electronic elections using fully homomorphic encryption Kristian Gjøsteen 1 100 Experimental Mathematics in Number Theory, Operator Algebras, and Topology. Eduard Ortega 2 100 Gasstrøm i rør Helge Holden 1 80 Magnus expansion in gauge theories Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard 2 100 Feature Extraction with Iterated-Sums Signatures Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard 1 100 Peakon solutions to the Camassa-Holm equation II Katrin Grunert 1 100 Modellusikkerheit og observasjonsusikkerheit Ingelin Steinsland 1 100