Nordfjordeid Summer School 2023

13-18 August 2023 Sophus Lie Conference Center, Nordfjordeid, Norway.

This school links three different areas, namely representation theory, symplectic geometry and algebraic geometry, using categorical approaches and higher structures in algebra. The target audience are categorically inclined PhD students and post-docs familiar with at least one of these fields, who want to broaden their vision of neighbouring areas.

Registration is now closed.


Gustavo Jasso

Gustavo Jasso is a Senior Lecturer at Lund University. At the summer school, he will speak about the role of higher structures in higher Auslander-Reiten theory, including their recent application to the solution of the Donovan-Wemyss Conjecture.

Gustavo Jasso's homepage

Yankı Lekili

Yankı Lekili is Reader in Geometry at Imperial College London. He will be speaking on Fukaya categories and symmetries.

Yanki Lekili's homepage

Sibylle Schroll

Sibylle Schroll is a Professor at the University of Cologne and Professor 2 at NTNU. She will be speaking on the geometric model for the derived category of gentle algebras, and its connection to homological mirror symmetry via partially wrapped Fukaya categories.

Sibylle Schroll's home page



  • Trond Mohn Stiftelse (TMS)
  • University of Bergen
  • University of Oslo
  • University of Stavanger
  • NTNU
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway
2023-07-19, karinmja