Norsk Kryptoseminar 2024
General information
- Date and time: Friday October 25th, 2024 from 10:15 to 16:30
- Registration fee: The event is free to attend and dinner is covered individually
- Registration deadline: Friday, October 11th (contact the organizers afterward)
- Registration: The registration form will be available here shortly
- Presentations: Ph.D. students are expected to give a short talk about their work
- Organisers: NTNU Applied Cryptology Lab
- Location: Lecture hall K105 in Koboltbygget, NTNU Gjøvik
Organization committee: Slobodan Petrovic and Tjerand Silde
- 09:45: Registration
- 10:15: Opening
- Interesting stuff TBA
- 16:30: Wrap up
- 17:00: TBA
- We will make a reservation based on the interest
- Costs are covered individually
Travel to and from Gjøvik:
This should correspond with morning and evening flights from, e.g., Bergen and Trondheim.
However, we encourage you to take the train or a bus instead if possible. Check out
If you are staying overnight in Gjøvik, then we recommend the following hotels: